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Author's pov

Jungkook was lying in his bed looking very frail and listless, he was just staring at the ceiling with a blank face , hadn't shed any tears as he already got tired of crying,

he misses taehyung so much that his chest feels very tight and it's hard for him to breathe normally, his head space was just filled with older faces , voices throughout day and night that made him so sick to himself,

He feels that he is not his true self since he is apart from the elder, but rather the self he was ten years ago before he met him, where he utterly does not recognize what the meaning of happiness and life is,

He grabbed his clothed chest tightly,formed a fist as he closed his eyes, he tried to sleep but his heart and mind kept telling him not to, then after a moment or two he heard someone opened the door of the room which he already knew who is it but he keep closing his eyes,

Namjoon walked inside the room with a smile as he got excited because he and others succeeded in bringing taehyung to his house and he can't wait to see jungkook happy again after a long time,

he went to look at the ravenette in the bed and saw that he closed his eyes and he instantly knows he was not asleep yet and having a difficulty to do it,

he bent over and shook his body gently "Jungkook ah , wake up" the silver head called the younger in a low voice that jungkook slowly opened his tired eyes and looked at his face

"Get up, and follow me to the living room now" said namjoon then he helped the younger to sit on the bed from laying position

Jungkook didn't ask namjoon any questions,he just listened to him and stood up, walking to the door while his arm being led by the silver haired,

The two of them went out and headed to the quiet and rather dark living room then jungkook at once found jin , yoongi and hoseok were there as they were relaxing on the couch and it made him confuse,

"jungkook ah" hoseok smiled widely,looked at his ravenette friend and he rose up from the couch as yoongjin did the same,

jungkook looked at them in confusion and he was about to ask them why they wanted to meet him so late but he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind him which made him unable to ask,

"jungkook ah" he heard jimin's voice calling his name but he didn't turn around or look at him

"Jungkook ah , turn to me and look who we brought for you" jimin said to the younger as he smiled ,looked at taehyung next to him which looked so excited and about to cry at the same time because of his watery eyes,

the black haired boy immediately widened his eyes a bit when jimin said they brought someone to him as his inner thought screamed that the person was taehyung "m-mama" he let that first word out in his lips and quickly turned his body around to look at the person he insanely missed,

"Jungkookie" the pink haired boy called the younger name through his lips once he turned his body to him while his teary eyes met with his,

Jungkook's heart stopped beating just at the moment he saw his world really was right in front of him that makes him unable to tell whether he is an illusion or real,

taehyung ran to jungkook and immediately engulfed him in a tight hug with tears that started to flow down his cheeks , "jungkookie.."

jungkook's body froze when taehyung hugged him then he immediately looked down at his pink head as he could feel his warmth on his cold body and that the moment where he realized it was really him and he instantly hugged him back into his arms with the same passion,

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