Chapter 2

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The house was huge. I don't mean like a large apartment. I mean this was a little outside the city and massive. Much larger than the homes I saw back home. I could tell immediately that they were old money. 

I just took a deep breath and went up to the door, which opened as I reached it. Melissa stood in the doorway, motioning for me to come in. "I'm so glad you're here!" she said excitedly. "I haven't had anyone over that didn't freak out about my house or anything since I was in middle school. You can put your coat over here." She pointed at a seat next to a shoe rack. "Just lay it on top. No one's going to sit on it or anything."

What she didn't realize was that I was too scared to touch anything. Still, I did as she said and put my jacket on the bench with my scarf. While I was pulling off my shoes, my phone buzzed. "Are you living here by yourself?"

"No, my parents live here, too. My brother does too, but only sometimes. He recently moved to an apartment but comes back to stay in the guesthouse from time to time. I'm never quite sure when he's here, though." She started walking and I followed her to the living room. It was large but cozy with a faux fireplace. "Have a seat anywhere. I just finished a pitcher of sweet tea, so I'm just going to go grab it. I  sat out some cookies and chips, so get you a snack and make yourself at home. I'll be right back."

Once she walked away, I gawked at where I was. It was nicer than any house I'd lived in. This room had a modern feel, but there were some rustic elements that made it feel cozy. I carefully sat on their plush couch and sank in. It was crazy comfy. 

"I hope you don't mind if your tea is kind of warm," Melissa said as she walked back into the room. I tried to sit up straight, but I'd sunk so far into the couch that I was struggling. She giggled a little when she noticed. "I love that couch for that very reason. But, um, I forgot to make ice last night, so the tea is kind of warm. I put it in the fridge this morning, but it didn't really help."

"That's fine by me." I finally managed to escape the grasp of the cushions and slid to the edge of the sofa. "Thanks again for having me over. I'm grateful for the help."

"Oh, no problem." She sat delicately on the edge of the cushions and poured two glasses of tea. "What did you think of my brother? If you don't mind me asking."

I shrugged and was about to give her a dismissive 'he was okay' when I noticed that she was genuinely waiting for an answer. "I liked him well enough," I said honestly. "He seems nice and even the silence felt comfortable with him."

She smiled at me over the rim of her glass. "Good. He has a tendency to come off as a little bit shy, but I promise that he's not. He's just a bit quiet is all." 

"Anyone home?" a male voice called. 

"Living room!" Melissa shouted back. 

Andy walked into the room. "I was starting to worry when I heard voices and Mom and Dad weren't home." He noticed me on the sofa. "Oh, hello. Sorry for the shouting. Anything I could get you?"

"Oh, no, it's fine. No worries." I held up my glass. "Your sister already took care of everything."

"Good, good." He looked at her and then back at me. "I was actually about to take my car for a test drive. Either of you want to come?" 

Melissa and I looked at each other. Finally, I shrugged and said, "Sure."

"Come on," he said, gesturing behind himself at the door. "We can drive to our other house. It's down in Petersburg."

"Okay." That was pretty close. Maybe a half hour. We'd probably be back before too long and I could get in some studying.

"I'll go grab your coat," Melissa said, standing and hurrying to the foyer before I could say anything. 

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