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Adonis Jeroff finished off his drink just before brushing off the touch of the nearly bare maid. "Off of me."

"But Monsieur, you promised--"

"Must I repeat myself!" He yelled slamming the bottle down. He waited as she hurried out of the chamber.

Liseth gasped and ran to the door at the sound of his gruff voice. She felt disappointed at not having be the one who he would reveal his face to. The maids all had a wager going on who the brooding man would reveal himself to and Liseth sighed at having not even been touched but resigned herself to bragging nevertheless. "Oiu! Mary Claire, he was magical. His body, his hands Oi!" The maids giggled and gossiped as she brushed aside her previous disappointment.

I begin to tire of all the maids, perhaps I need a new supply. He rose and went to lock his door before disposing himself of his mask. Running his hand through his dark locks he groaned when he observed his appearance. His eyes were sullen and dull and his dark hair blended in the dark shadows of the room while his paler skin stood out in the dull candle light. He observed his high cheeks bones and lean build and muscle. His silver eyes raked his entire being stopping just above his left eye. He cringed looking at it. The jagged scar pierced his very being and changed his whole life.

Adonis was a man of wealthy background with negligent parents, but nevertheless he made the most of his existence. His family governed over a little small plot of land owned by middle class families. Somehow they all managed to pay the high property taxes on time and upon his visits everyone properly adored him and his family but within their hearts they held so much disdain. He took everyone for granted and treated everyone he considered beneath him sourly, often verbally abusing both parents as they got older and sicker. One day a menacing feeling fell over his home and there was a single knock at the door. Rolling in his bed he ignored it and figured one of the lazy servants would attend to it. The knock stopped and he put up to his imagination. He allowed himself to dream of the women he'd encountered all with stolen virtues and broken future marriages. The next morning he awoke later than usually, atypically disoriented when that same knock sounded again. "Someone get the door!" He called out and silence. "Good for nothing over paid servants, ye whole lot of ya!" He said stalking to the door. Swinging it open he paused when he saw no one. "What is the meaning of this?!"

"You lad. Very cruel indeed." She stepped into his line of vision. She wore a black veil that shielded her from his eyes. The only thing he could see is the stricken image of her blue eyes. Adonis continued to study the woman. "Nevertheless, I am here to collect my debt."

"Surely, you are mistaken. We are in debt to no one. I shall have you address my father."

"No lad, no. I am here to collect my debt. You must pay for what you have done, what your family has done. Your father for the longest of time has been stealing money from the lowly cottagers, demanded at least half of the funds."

"Ahh yes, the property taxes, I've heard of those. Your point?"

"Have you ever wondered how people were able to pay those impossibly high taxes?"

"Savings? Look, I do not have time for this I was just leaving so if you want to talk to that old bag then one of the lousy servants will take you to him." He said brushing past her.

"You are Lord of the Villa no?"

"Yes." He said with pride. He adjusted his trimmed fitting coat and brushed his shoulders.

She laughed mockingly and he felt a cold chill enter him. "Then this is your problem. Do you think I have not heard of you? Of your rakish ways? Wicked things at the dead of night. Stolen hearts and virtues of nearly every young girl you govern. Women! Not marriageable, because you, you snake, tempted them with promises of love and wealth. Women and children have been forced into cruel servitude to pay the taxes your family has bestowed." She spat. Composing herself she straightened her spine. "Well I am here to collect a debt."

ScarsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara