Chapter 25: Come and See

Start from the beginning

[Make it quick. Recons' gonna get their shit done before us, you fucks. And I ain't lettin' Brian wait.]

"Yeah, yeah. We'll savor the moment."

[Zack, you sonuvabi-]

After ending the call, Zack started for the other, and in a jiff, what came out from the radio was a calm:

[What is it?]

Ace, Radio operator Ace, called us u from the truck behind.

"Ace, you heard, right? Do us a favor and call them. Two targets, moving slow, one has a rifle-looking thing, ask 'em what do to."


Ace then got off the call. And everyone was pretty hushed within the minute. But just then, the beeps noised.

[Uh, so, what does Sergeant over there think?]

"Well, uh..."

Their eyes all went on me. Me, who sat still, leaning back with eyes placid. In the end, I did a simple nod. He knew what I was getting at.

"...'Decision's entirely on you, sir', tell them that."

And sure as hell, he took the words out of my mouth. It was a minute after that Ace got back.

[Alright, here's what they said...]

[...'Confirm if they're hostile, and if one of them is armed, then, sure, do your thing']

"Copy. Bye~"

Zack hung up and straightened himself. We all stared at him and the radio.


Marcus asked. I felt the floor throb. Sean's hotfoots. With all that said and done, Zack did two a-oks and grinned.


He muttered in a nasal-like tone. And now, time's up. Sean's fingers were itching to hold a gun. And Zack singsonged:


I could already imagine Sean sprinting out any moment now. He was already taking up his gun and was about to get up, though, I nudged him back into sitting with an open palm as I opened my door.




I tilted my head, directing my look to Zack. He seemed to get the point. Just wasn't his expertise.

"At least let me spot for him."

His whines went in my ear.


And went out the other.

With that, Zack canon pumped his arms as Sean slouched. Zack thrust his middle finger in front of him.


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