Volume 2: End

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Jeeebus Phrist, 10K?!

Ahem, anyway.

Ladies, Gentlemen, welcome, to:

The End of Volume 2

Waaahh, I really done did it folks.

This volume was quite...wow...

Now, in this new Volume, there've been some new stuff. First off, this has been quite an eventful Volume. The girls are finally introduced, and what's more, the parents make a second appearance.



But anyway, yeah. I also had fun making this volume. I had the most fun writing Chapter 16 and I got too immersed with Chapter 19.

And also, Chapter 20? Yeah, fuck that shit. I'm never gonna make such a long Chapter, ever again.(Don't jinx yourself  idiot).

With that in mind...uh...about the next Chapter...

I'm gonna do a break, just like before...but this time it's a little longer.

I'm gonna release a new Chapter on July 29...yeah...sad...but it can't be helped.

I need the break, but within that break, I'm also gonna be writing more Chapters, so yeah...

There's also gonna be an announcement, so look out for that.

With all that out of the way, I'll have the same questions as before.

How was it?

Was it shit?

This time, I'm actually asking for as much criticism as I could get. Don't pull your punches, complain as much as you want, only if that complaint is valid though.

Let's not consider my feelings for now and just talk shit about my work, with the intent of nitpicking any problems that are visible.

Before, I received a complaint like a few weeks ago, and they made a reasonable point, though that last sentence....mate...you can make fun of my work with the intent to just make fun of it, understand that there are limits.

Anyway, how was it really?

Was it garbage?

Was it shit?

Did it make sense?

What did you think about the girls?

About the writing, let me confess in saying that I got a beta reader by the start of Chapter 13, you could tell considering that there weren't any errors anymore around that time.

He's been a real help and a great guy overall, he's also making his own Fanfic, so by the time he lets me read it, I'll do my damn hardest to return the favor. With that in mind:

How was the writing?

Did it get better?

Was it still inconsistent?

Was it still shit?

What other things about the Chapters do you want to talk about?

On a score of 1-10, how was Volume 1? And how was Volume 2?

I really want to get a score so that I understand where I'm at at the moment. It let's me get a solid understanding of the general opinion.

Also, just like before, I'll answer some questions that you're probably having.

Q. Volume 3?

A. Yes

Q. Will Yukinoshita make an appearance once more? I liked the chapter's she was in.

A. Okay, first off, Chapter 13 was so successful, like WTF?!?! It's the most read, most voted Chapter in all of Volume 2, you Yukino simps really reared your heads the moment she appeared. So anyway, Yes, profit, and of course, obviously.

Q. Will the parents make another appearance?

A. Actually, yes.

Q. Who is Chandler?

A. There was another guy in the crew, that's him, I just kinda changed his name and now he's Chanlder. It was weird, but can't be helped.

Q. What about Hachiman's Marine crew(Logan, Marcus, Sean, Chandler), will they also appear?

A. Yup, I have plans for them.

Q. Yuigahama and Isshiki?

A. Yes, you filthy simps, yes.

And that's most of it, I'm sure there're other questions you want answered, so go comment since I generally read it. All of it.

And that's the end.

It really can't be helped that I need a break. What? Gonna cry?

I'm just joshing with you dudes, though, I've been waiting to use this meme for weeks now

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I'm just joshing with you dudes, though, I've been waiting to use this meme for weeks now.

Really, bye...

Thanks for coming to my TED talk

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