Chapter 7: Starting daily life Part 2

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The last sip left, and so did the sweetness that had me craving for it, a sendoff, melancholic I was for the last bit

It still gave me a fond aftertaste

Putting the can in the bin, satisfied with my purchase, I head back home

Pleased as I stride, taking different turns for some I haven't laid eyes on in a while, nostalgic as always




"I'm home"

30 minutes, it took


Said the sloth

With looks of near disbelief shot at him

"It's already been an hour and you're still at the same spot?"


"What a sloth"


"Yeah you're right, I'm not one to talk"

Shoes at the door, and so they were replaced

Japan is such a clean country

Walking up to the living room, opening the lights for the dim room

Attempting to lounge around yet again, he stopped


He had already noticed

"I smell"

A further survey and he has also noticed

He was sweating buckets

That and the fact is that

"I haven't taken a bath ever since coming here"

Almost 2 days

His body, drained yesterday, had not allowed him to do anything besides sleeping, after all:

15 hours of flight, yet only 5 spent to slumber

He wanted to, but he couldn't in the taxi

His reunion with his family almost gave him an actual headache

"A bath sounds nice"

He thought

"Kamakura-san, I'll be taking a bath, ok?"


As if felines could communicate

Lumbering his way, his steps make him close his distance

And so he enters, preparing his bath, and to return to the living room

And to the fridge, he opens, taking out a bottle, water

MAX was his lifeline, yet sometimes sweetness can be a poison

And so, from the long jog, dehydration, and the necessities of the body

He chugs down






Footsteps still sore, he reaches for somewhere else

He returns to his room

Cabinet, open

And clothes taken

He marches back down

5 minutes has passed since he prepared his bath, and reentering, he is hit with nostalgia

Oregairu: ReappearanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora