Chapter 3: Where were you?!?! Part 2

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Humility is an important trait to have, especially in the military, overestimating yourself; it can get you killed, or worse:

You piss off your superiors.

Even as a Japanese, I always stayed modest, with the idea that to boast was a petty excuse for attention and to boost ones self-esteem.

Whenever I thought about bragging anything, I am quickly disgusted at my own thoughts.

I might start pitying myself.

And in front of me, my father gazes at me, curious to know my salary.

After having an inner monologue about how modest I am, here I am, moments away from potentially flaunting.

I didn't want to, but I've already accepted that I am human myself, and all humans want to brag about something at some point in their life, even if just once.

Also, it'd be satisfying to see the look on his face, when I say:

"¥2 Million, monthly"

3 seconds have passed, until

My father, my mother, and Komachi had the same look on their faces.


It was then, Komachi shouted:

"WHAAT!?!!? Onii-chan's rich?!?! How?!?

My mother, asking the same:

"Yes!! She's right! What is your job anyway?!? What do you actually do?!"

My fathers mouth, gaping wide, still.



My father, with a tired and defeated tone said:

"Fine, it's your win, now tell us, how can you make that much?"

I can sense sadness, defeat, and disappointment within him as he asked the question.

With nothing left to hide, I answered their inquiry.

*Sigh*"Fine, I have a high position in the U.S. military"

Though I did not tell them exact information, what I gave them will be enough.


They all said in unison.

"Wow! Onii-chan, does that mean you're like the boss in the military?"

Komachi beamed with curiosity, the same as my parents.

"No, I'm not the boss, but I still hold some control"

As high of a position it was, I still had many people above me, I still get orders from superiors, and I only have a small amount of control.

"So, like, how many people do you boss around?"

Komachi questions once more.

(Seriously, this little sister of mine, how much is she gonna interrogate me?)

"I can't tell you that"

Family or not, classified info is classified.

"Ohhh c'mon! You can tell Komachi, right?"

(Ughhh, she's abusing my love for her)

"Nothing exact, I control a fair amount, ok?"

I can probably command a tiny amount?

But anything more than that, I can't do.

"Okay, what about this Onii-chan?"


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