Chapter 20: Year: One

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The land was vast, endlessly filled with sand. With rocks, pebbles and boulders sprinkled in. Dry bushes scarcely popped out of the landscape. 

In contrast to the terra firma, flat and unwrinkled, from far away, it beheld such a sight, those majestic looking rocks, only viewed and never touched, as if they could reach the clouds, I was sure anyone who saw it would marvel at the view. 

Although such a sight might begin to lose its wonder, how could it? It was beautiful. Still, it was nigh antithetical, for it was in a place not so pleasant.

It could be said that it wasn’t the one to blame, truly, that fault was for the genesis of the blistering heat wave, the sun. It was a repugnant feeling and, with every second that passed, sweat dripped from every crevice of my body. 

‘Was it an enemy stand?’ I reasoned to myself that that was the case, or else I really would’ve given up. But no, with the presence of an enemy, even if it may not have truly been that way, even if that was merely a fabrication of the mind, was enough incentive to persist and overcome. History was my source.

There were only two sources of sound, the certain stridencies rumbled in my ears. The unending roars of countless engines, the gravely echo that came with them, and the constant blabbering of the one in front of me.

“You know, I just think it’s bullshit.”

From time to time, whenever he opened his mouth, two reactions would come from me: either insouciant, or I shot him an array of different conveying glares.

“It’s kinda fucked up that schools do that, it’s a load of bullcrap. Telling us we did a good job if we get a high score, and then fucking us over if shit ever the hits fan, even for a little…a little.”

His yapping continued for so long I felt as though I lost my sense of time. I wasn’t sure anymore whether it had only been minutes, or hours.

“'Do better' 'Do you want to fail?' 'Think about the future' 'You’ll end up nowhere' Blah! Blah! Blah! Those fucking retards, they’ve been talking out of their asses since I’ve seen American pie.”

Perhaps it was because of me not focusing or his talk going on too long that I asked myself many things, one of them was:

(How did his chicken tangent turn into this?)

“Anyway, it’s probably because those bureaucrat retards wanted to please the parents, putting in crap laws in classes, they think we’d behave, well suck my dick! You fucked my childhood!! Couldn’t even fucking watch that show on nickelodeon, fuck, I missed that show. Maybe those commie fucks had it better than us? What do you guys think?”

He turned his head sideways and looked at our superior, with an asking glance, soon enough he turned to both me and Sean.

Our superior primarily focused on the road, so he paid no attention to the question. The both of us, on the other hand, were uncertain of what to do. Were we supposed to answer him or ignore it? We stared at each other while still undecided.

“You know what? Fuck it, I shouldn’t be asking this to a chink and a beaner.”

That would’ve been enough to create a fist fight, normally, though it seemed everyone had gotten dull…including me.

“Hey, don’t give a shit about him. He’s just a loud asshole, he does this all the time. You just gotta cover your ears till he stops bitching.”

“Hey, fuck you Brad, my 'bitching' is called putting the truth out.”

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