XXXII. Coulterʼs Candy

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A/N: Warning - n*crophilia below.



Ally bally, ally bally bee
Sittin on yer mammyʼs knee
Greetin for a wee bawbee
Tae buy some Coulterʼs Candy

Iʼm here, Marjorie. Iʼm here.
Iʼm f*ckinʼ here, Marjorie. Iʼm here.
Just like we planned, all those years ago.
Rising from the dead.
Are you here, Marjorie?

the dead shall rise the damned will follow you decarabia and her forces pledged fealty to me years ago i am in charge i run the show the dead will rise and the dead will follow you my love i swear –

She was a canvas, and he painted her lips, first. The body. He laughed, and he laughed, and he laughed. Words never came out of his mouth, but the poetry and the music of her glorious, cold body was his canvas. The penultimate canvas. When he touched her body, his fingers ran with blood. The blood of the boiling, hateful sun, the blood of poison that twined up her spine and grew swollen under the silver moon. The body sprawled heavy, the fresh one, lolling – and the stars were her eyes. Monstrous and dexterous, she cast her blackened shawl and depthless eyes over his corpse – his old, wizened, cracked corpse – and the wind was her hands.

He giggled and laughed.
Giggled and laughed.
Giggled and laughed.

Willie wept baith lang and sair
Till he got a penny tae share
Noo heʼs tumblin doon the stair
Tae buy some Coulterʼs Candy

Are you here?
Warm, fresh bodies.
Iʼm with your warm, fresh bodies.

poison thy body poison thy soul and i shall see you again we shall finally be together but you must command the damned you must take the briar by force i am not luciferʼs i am yours macbeth my cursed king my beautiful king scotland is ours and we will take her lecherous body with the force of a thousand swords –

    She was his hunger. His will to live; the body. Marjorieʼs body. They said her name was Raven Dunkeld, but he knew it was Marjorie. Her lips were chapped as they would in the winter; her skin yellowing in a haze of the smoke that ripped through them. His talons curled around the flesh of her breasts, and the creaminess of the blood, her life, her essence – it rolled in waves. Waves of thick, black hair. Woven in obsidian, woven in blood. Her supple breasts were agonizingly torturous, pressed up against him. Her body was mangled as Marjorie's was, mottled in the nakedness of the day, and it made him hard.

He giggled and laughed.
Giggled and laughed.
Giggled and laughed.

Poor wee Annie was greetin tae
What could poor auld Mammy dae?
But gie them a penny atween them twae
Tae buy mair Coulterʼs Candy.

I tried to indulge...
With Decarabia, with Angus,
with Macdonwald.
Like you said.
Iʼm hungry, Marjorie.
Iʼm so damn hungry.
Are you here?

and with this kiss, we shall die meu amor with the apothecary of the dreaded and the drugs of the damned, we shall die in this damp and dark place of hell but here i will remain i swear to you here i will remain with the darkness as my paramour and you as my husband...

we are the dead macbeth.


we are the living.


we are the conquerors.


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