Chapter 9 ~ The City

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AS THE SUN STARTS TO rise after a long night, we finally arrive in the city. After Thomas left with one of the carts of kids, Janson arrived to assess the damage while Lucas, Ethan and I briefed Cody on the events that occurred.

The train leads us straight into the WICKED compound where we're led by Cody to our new dormitories.

"Cody and Ethan, you'll be sharing a room again and Cassie you'll be with Teresa," Cody informs us. I groan at the fact that I'll be sharing with Tessy again.

We continue walking down the hall till we stop in front of a particular door. Room 052.

"This is your room Cassie. You can get situated and get some rest. You've all had a long day."

I nod to Cody and open the door to the room, finding it empty of Tessy thankfully. I don't feel like talking to her right now.

I pull off my boots and chuck them into the corner before jumping into the bed closest to me, sleep instantly over taking my body.


"This place is huge! I got lost three times on the way here and had to ask for directions," Ethan exclaims as he walks up to our table with a tray of food, taking a seat beside me and opposite Lucas and Rose.

I let out a small chuckle but if not for Tessy showing me the way, I would've also gotten lost. The compound is at least 50 storeys high and the different halls turn into a maze to try and navigate; although I guess I have a lot of experience at that.

"The food here is better than at the old compound at least," Lucas points out as he takes a bite of his toast which has been heavily piled with scrambled eggs and bacon strips. I nod in agreement as I take a bit of my own breakfast which consists of a small pile of pancakes lathered heavily with syrup.

I moan as the sweet syrup melts into the warm pancakes. This is probably the best thing I have ever eaten.

"You guys up for training this afternoon? I heard the training rooms here are massive," Lucas suggests. I look at Ethan who shrugs so I nod in response.

"Sure, gotta train off these pancakes I suppose," I say with a small laugh. The boys and Rose chuckle in response.

"Do you want to train with us Rose?" I ask her.

"Yeah, you haven't trained with us for months ever since you started flying bergs instead," Ethan agrees. Rose shrugs I'm response.

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