Chapter 8 ~ Ambush on the Train

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I glance down at my hand before looking back up at Ethan.

"Go fish," I tell him. Ethan huffs and draws a card from the pile, adding it to his hand.

"Do you have any tens?" I ask Ethan as I look down at my hand of cards. Ethan is quiet for a moment before letting out a sigh and handing me a ten. With a slight smirk at my victory, I place my hand that consists of 8 books of cards down onto the crate we're using as a table.

"No fair! You must be cheating!" Ethan whines while I simply smirk and lean back to rest my back against the metal wall. 

The cart rocks suddenly, causing the crate to move and the cards to go flying everywhere. The train then releases an ear piercing whistle.

Ethan is quick to scramble after the cards, quickly putting them all back into their box which is placed into the pocket of his bullet-proof vest.

"Should we play I-spy next?" Ethan suggests. I give him a look and gesture to the empty train cart the three of us are seated in.

"Can you stop with the games? It's been three hours and some peace and quiet would be appreciated," Lucas says grumply from the corner he's sitting in, the corner furthest from Ethan and I.

"You're the one that suggested we bring a pack of cards!" Ethan retorts, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Yeah well I didn't think you'd be so loud and annoying."

"Your face is loud and annoying!"

I roll my eyes at the boys childish behavior before taking a twizzler out of my pocket and munching on the red candy.

"How much longer do you think it'll be till we get there?" I question aloud, stretching out my sore and stiff legs.

"I heard some of the guards saying it's about a 9 or 10 hour trip so we've still got a long journey ahead of us," Lucas answers. I nod while letting out a small yawn.

I didn't get much sleep last night between crawling through the vents to warn Aris and Minho and also the worry that gnawed at my stomach. 

Tessy left in a Berg a few hours ahead of us along with Janson, Rose and a few of the other scientists while a majority of the people stayed behind at the facility.

"Can you pass me the beef jerky please?" Ethan asks me. I hand over the packet that lies beside me and we fall into silence again.

I hope Minho and Aris are doing okay. My thoughts are pulled back to when I managed to talk to Aris last night…

Finding the boys room empty, I make my way into the hall and towards one of the dining halls before quickly hiding behind a wall as footsteps walk past me.

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