Chapter 7 ~ Saved by a familiar face

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OUR ARMS ARE ROUGHLY TIED in front of us with coarse rope and strips of thick fabric are tied over our eyes to act as blindfolds before they start to lead us back to their camp.

We are pulled along for roughly ten minutes, occasionally tripping over bits of rubble that sticks out of the ground causing laughter to erupt from the men.

I'm roughly pulled to a halt as Pete announces we're here. I hear a beeping sound followed by a scraping sound before I'm pushed forwards, causing me to stumble slightly.

"Ladies first." I'm pulled forward again, "don't fall on the way down." I hesitate in confusion at his words before it comes clear as I step onto a ladder.

Holding onto the rungs tightly, I blindly make my way down the ladder, going slowly so that I don't accidently fall to my painful death.

After a couple of more steps down, my feet hit the hard floor and I'm pulled a short distance by someone to get out of the way as Ethan and Lucas come down after me. 

I can hear the sound of people talking and take a guess that there's at least twenty people in their group, possibly more. 

They drag us further and I hear the sound of a door opening before we're pushed inside a cold room and sat down on metal chairs which we're tied to before they remove our blindfolds.

I blink a few times to allow my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. We're in a small room with concrete walls and floors, a single light bulb hanging above us. Lucas and Ethan are tied to metal chairs beside me, Lucas being in the middle of the three of us.

I pull against my bindings to see if they'll give way but they've been tied too tightly and are probably cutting off the circulation in my arms.

Pete drags a metal chair across the ground and puts it in front of us before sitting down.

"Now, there are two ways we can do this. Either you tell us what we want to know and we let you go or we hurt your friends till you tell us what we want to know," Pete says to Lucas who glares in return.

"Well?" Pete quirks an eyebrow.

"Don't tell them anything Lucas. They won't let us go either way," Ethan mumbles, eyeing the men with large guns that stand by the door.

Pete lets out a laugh as he hears Ethan.

"So what's it gonna be kid?" He questions. Lucas lets out a breath and shakes his head.

"I don't know anything. I'm just the leader of my team," Lucas tells Pete. 

I flinch as Pete stands up, kicking away his chair and walking closer to us.

"You see, I don't believe that kid. I've had your type in here before and they all say that same thing but in the end they always spill," Pete says. I swallow hard as Pete grabs Lucas by the shirt and stares at him.

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