Chapter 6 ~ The Red Zone

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I OPEN MY EYES with a start to the sound of yelling. Scrambling out of bed, I rush down the hall without bothering to put on any shoes.

Red lights flash and a blaring alarm sounds as guards rush up and down the hallway carrying rifles.

"Hey!" I stop a guard as he runs past me, "what's going on?" I question with wide eyes.

"We're under attack." The guard runs off before I can ask anymore questions. I proceed to run down the hall towards Ethan and Lucas's room. I need to make sure they're okay.

My bare feet thud against the cold concrete floors as I run past dead guards, blood pooling from different bullet wounds that have pierced their chests.

I make it to room 142 and slam open the door before stepping inside. I jump as the door shuts behind me, engulfing me in the suffocating darkness of the room.

"Hello?" I call out cautiously as I take a step forward blindly.

"Ethan? Lucas?" My voice echoes through the room and a chill runs through my veins.

I startle as a light flickers on beside me. I whip towards the source of light to see a figure standing besides the floor lamp, shrouded within the shadows.

"Ethan?" I question but take a staggering step back as the figure moves into the light.

"Thomas, what are you doing here?" I exclaim with a small smile spreading across my face at seeing the boy whom I haven't seen for months. I rush forward to hug him but he brushes me off coldly.

"Thomas, what's wrong?" I question with furrowed eyebrows as I look at his emotionless expression.

"Why'd you do it?" Thomas speaks up.


"Why'd you betray us?" I stiffen as my eyes widen.

"I-I had to do it! They were going to kill Minho and Aris! I didn't have any other choice," I cry out, desperate for him to believe me.

"It's all your fault. Because of you they're all dead."

"W-what?" I stutter out, tears forming in my eyes. Thomas takes a step forward to reveal the gun he holds in his hand. It's the same gun that Cody gave me when I completed my training.

"Minho, Aris, Newt...they're all dead because of you." Thomas raises the gun so that it's now aimed at me.

I take a few staggering steps back as I tear slides down my cheek.

"They're dead? I-I don't understand...he told me he wouldn't kill them if I joined them," I cry out. Thomas shakes his head.

"Don't you understand Cassie? Janson didn't kill did! You killed them all."

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