Twilight's Last Gleaming Part 1

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It was dark out when I woke up. After coming back last night, I had seen Clarke and Finn taking care of Charlotte. It seems what I said worked and they didn't do the thing last night as they were supposed too. I hope this will lessen the pain for them all when Raven comes down today. I quietly got up from my cozy corner in the dropship. I had been staying there since I was one of many who still didn't have a tent. I quietly exited the dropship and started making my way out of camp. It was convenient since on my way back I went and scouted out where Ravens ship would be landing so I knew exactly where to go.

I ran through the forest as quietly as I could, using the thick brush and darkness as my cover to avoid any unwanted attention. I made my way to the landing site and hide a little ways up a easy to climb tree that was a safe distance away so I wouldn't be burnt to a crisp by the thrusters when she lands. I couldn't let Bellamy get that radio, the scene where the man sacrificed himself for his daughter absolutely broke my heart. I don't want her to have to live the rest of her life without him. Bellamy can suck it up and deal with his problems. Not like he will die anyways when they get down here. He got some thick ass plot armor and will be fine. 

As I look up at the sky and stars, waiting for the pod to go flying across the sky and come crashing down to the earth, I wonder what it would be like to be up in space. I have always had a interest in space, even back in my world. I was curious about the facts and how it worked. Now that I'm here, I just wish I could have spent some time actually being up there. Among the stars, but we can't always get everything we want I guess. Ah, there she is. I look up at the sky seeing the pod shooting across the sky headed right towards where I'm at. Everyone must have seen it by now, I watch as the parachute deploy and the pod lands, scorching the grass below and sending dust everywhere. As the dust settles and the sun just barley creeps up, the rustling of leaves could be heard as I made my way down the tree and headed to the pod.

I quietly make my way over to the door and struggle with the hatch for a bit before finally getting it open. I look at Raven, who is bleeding and passed out. I'm sorry I can't help you right now, but soon. I quietly grab the radio, unlatching it from it's singular strap that was the only thing keeping it in place. I turn down the volume so it can't be heard, and close the pod once more. I stuff the radio in my bag and head to a tree that's closer than the one I was in previously, but still a bit into the forest away from the clearing. I climb up as quick as I can manage and hide myself among the leaves and branches and watch the clearing as I wait for Bellamy.

. . .

After what feels like hours, I can hear distant yelling. It's Bellamy and Octavia. I control my breathing and make myself as small as I could manage and pray they wont loot up when they pass by. The sun way fully up and it was light out now. How I wished I still had the cover of darkness to help conceal me. The yelling stops and I can hear the crunching of leaves and Bellamy storms away and closer to me, and the pod. He passes me by, too caught up with his own worries and thoughts to even think that someone had possibly gotten their before him. I watch as he opens the pod, and pauses as he sees Raven. He then starts digging around, checking to see if she has some kind of Radio or anything that contacts the Ark.

He has a funny looking smile on his face as he realizes their is no radio and closes the pod before running off to avoid getting caught there. After I'm sure he's far enough away I make my way down the tree and over to Raven's pod. I look around one more time before opening it and quietly placing the Radio a bit in the back of the pod to make it seem as though it came undone on the way down and that would be why Bellamy couldn't find it. I turn the volume up just enough so it can barely be heard from the inside and quickly close the pod and make my way into the forest to try to meet up with Finn and Clarke.

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