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Dear Reader

Hey there! Thank you so much for choosing to read this. This first part is just the general information on you and what role you will start out with! Also I do not own any of the original 100 characters.

E/C- Eye Color
S/C- Skin Color
Y/H-Your Height
H/L- Hair Length
H/C- Hair Color
H/T- Hair Texture (ex: Curly, Straight, Wavey, etc.)
⚠️- Trigger Warning



^^Snake bracelet was something you had in the other world from your mom that transferred with you

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^^Snake bracelet was something you had in the other world from your mom that transferred with you.

Possible Ships: xMurphy, xLexa, xRoan, xOctavia, xJasper, xRaven, xLuna, xHot random made up background character, etc...

For ships I'm not entirely sure where to go with it and plan to do a bit of a mix and have relationships develop as time goes on and I am taking suggestions for possible ships. ALSO NO XBELLAMY, THERE ARE TOO MANY XBELLAMY!!! I'm still not sure who Y/n will end up with at the end .

You enter the story as yourself, someone who originally wasn't in the show. You have no relations to anyone in the show and are given the background of a random extra, although it's weirdly somewhat similar to your background from your old world, and your body also seems to have adjusted and is now different form before. You have no connections to the main cast in anyway to begin with. You were sent to the sky box after you stole a extra candy bar at age 13, much like how you in your old world when you were 13 and stole one from your local convince store. However since you are now on the Arc that landed you in the sky box instead of just with a small warning and tap on the wrist the way it did in your old world. That's all you need to know for now so let's get into the actual story!

Side note: In the 100 they live off of rations and only get a certain amount of food all the time, so I think it would just make sense that readers body would become either slightly slimmer or a lot slimmer than it was before entering the book since when living off so little food at a time it would just make sense that the reader would be a bit slimmer than before. I was this to be inclusive to all people but I also want it to be logical. Although I am making it so that readers height get cut by 1/2, so take your height and subtract 1/2 because this is gonna add to some of the jokes in the story. Cause yk, can't forget the 1/2 when talking about our height. Hehe.



Stuck In The 100 - The 100 x (Fem)ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora