Ch 2 - Earth Skills

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I feel my body being lifted as I'm carried somewhere, I yell loudly in pain as I'm moved. I assume I'm being brought to where Jasper tied up before by Lincoln. I feel my blood drip down the side of my body as my senses go numb as I drift in and out of consciousness. I glance up at the camouflage master who soon comes to a stop at a tree. It feels like we were walking forever. I feel him tear my shirt and gently take out the spear in my chest. I yelp in more pain and reach my hand to where Lincoln is as I black out once again.

3rd POV:

"Hey, hold up." Shouts Bellamy, "what's the rush, you don't survive a spear through the heart." Bellamy says matter of factly. "Put the gun away Bellamy." Wells says as Murphy reaches to push him interrupting, "well, why don't you do something about it, huh?" He says. "Y/n screamed when they moved her. If the spear struck her heart, she'd have died instantly. It doesn't mean we have time to waste." Clarke states passive aggressively and Bellamy reaches to grab her wrist. "As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go." Bellamy says smugly. Seems he still found out about the bands, "the only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead is if I'm dead. Got it?" Clarke states as a fact. "Brave princess." Bellamy says getting closer to Clarke. "Why don't you find your own nickname? You call this a rescue party? Got to split up, cover more ground." Finn says coming out of nowhere, "Clarke come with me." He says as he walks off. "Better late than never." Clarke states, "I like to think so." Replies Finn.


I wake up again, as I try to move. I can't move as my arms are bound together. That's when I feel my entire body in pain. I moan in pain as I try to get out of the restraints a bit. My body feels limp. I start to get worried, what if they can't find me since I changed the plot? What if I end up dying, I'm pretty sure I've lost like at least 35% of my blood since we got here. My leg might get infected at this point. I look down and I see that not only is there stuff on my chest, but also on my leg. Well at least he didn't just leave my leg the way it was. I mean it is Lincoln, he's too nice to just leave it like that. I smile a bit only for a second as I feel my pain again. I struggle against the restraints and I start to feel dizzy. I somehow managed to get one of my arms out before everything became blurry. I close my eyes and I black out again.

Clarkes POV:

Finn goes over to a broken branch and bends down after seeing a few drops of blood on the floor. I look at him and he looks back. I look back at the blood, it was Y/n, it had to be. A loud moan rings out into the air, I look up in its direction. "What the hell was that?" Questions Murphy, as a thought occurs to me, "Now would be a good time to take out that gun." I say to Bellamy. If it's really Y/n, then there might be grounders nearby. We start running towards the noises and we see her. "Y/n." I gasp slightly as I see she's strung up in a tree. "Omg, Y/n?" I say as I move towards her, "what the hell is this-" Bellamy starts, that's when the ground underneath me gives out and I fall through. I gasp out loud and yell as I try to find something to grab onto, anything. That's when I feel a hand grab me and I grip onto it. I hear Finn in the distance yelling as I look down seeing spikes then back up at Bellamy who just saved my life. "Pull her up!" Shouts Finn, "pull her up, pull her up!" Yells Jasper. As they all come running over to pull on the ground. "You ok?" Finn asks me, "yeah." I reply, trying to catch my breath. As I move away from the hole with spikes. I stand up with some help and look at Bellamy, then back at the hole. I look up at Y/n who's still hung up on the tree. "We need to get her down." Finn starts moving forward, "I'll climb up and cut the vines." He says, "yeah I'm with you" Wells agrees. "No stay with Clarke, and watch him." Finn orders while looking at Bellamy. Finn is about to say something when Jasper speaks up, "I'm going to help get her down." He states, not asking for permission. Finn just nods his head as they walk over to Y/n.


I hear voices there so loud. I open my eyes and see Jasper on my right side. "What the hell was that?" Says Murphy. I answered, although they probably weren't expecting it. "Ground-" Bellamy is about to say as I speak up. "Panther.." I say weakly, although I'm sure they all heard me as I see their surprised faces, "wait.. panther?" Finn says as Clarke turns around and it charges at her. I close my eyes again feeling too weak to stay awake. I hear some gun shots as everything blacks out again.

. . .

I feel myself being lied down as I feel a cloth on my wounds. I look at Clarke and I see Finn giving her that stupid deer necklace. I want to grab it, I want to throw it out, but I can't move. They soon leave as I look up at the roof of the drop ship. I can almost hear "Pretend" as what's currently happening is playing through my mind. I wonder what Jasper is doing now since he's not the one currently in the drop ship half alive. I black out one more time as I remember the end of the episode. Guess Adam is gonna be hanging around for a while. I think to myself as everything goes dark.

Author's Note: Hey guys, sorry this chapter is so short There wasn't too much I could do while our Y/n is incapacitated you know, I promise the next chapter will be longer. I still need some suggestions for ships because I'm not sure just yet, and thank you for reading!

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