Earth Kills

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⚠️⚠️Character Death, Murder⚠️⚠️

Bellamy POV: 

We get back to camp, everyone was exhausted. I watch as Y/n was rushed into the drop ship. I felt bad for her, I mean she saved O's life and O seems to care about her. I just dont want Octavia to be hurt if that girl dies. I snap out of my thoughts when Murphy speaks, "We should probably start getting this panther cooked." I nod in response and get to work.

. . .

Murphy's POV:

I was practicing throwing my knife at a tree with Bellamy. I just couldn't seem to get my knife to stick. I watched as my knife bounced off the tree and sighed in slight frustration. I look at Bellamy then too the dropship where groans of pain could be heard, "Its that damn girl okay, shes messing with my head." I excuse. "I dont think she's gonna last much longer, better think of a new excuse." I look at him, slightly upset knowing he's probably right. I mean that girl seemed funny, watching her ass fall out of that tree was fucking hilarious! I feel bad she's now going to die after just being set free from the Ark. He throws his axe into the tree as I watch him, "Thats how it's done." I look over after hearing another voice, Atom coming to talk to Bellamy about some random kids. "Visit your special tree when you were out there?"

. . .


I don't really remember much of what happened after I blacked out. I heard bits and pieces, like Clarke telling me I'll be ok, and the conversation about how medicine was used, but mostly all I remember feeling pain. Lots and lots of pain. I felt like I was floating in a black void of nothing I heard somethings, didn't hear others. I was able to do a lot of thinking. I knew things, about the future, things that I can use to help everyone, and stop a lot of pain. Maybe I could say I heard somethings from the "grounders" who strung me up. I mean it would be a complete lie, especially since it was in fact only just Lincoln, who didn't even do much talking, but I feel like I should say there were two people so I dont make them think Mister Camo is crazy and talks to himself. That was just one thought of many that passed through my mind while I seemed to be floating in this black void of nothing. Suddenly I couldn't think of anything, I could only feel extreme pain. The red hot knife kind, let me tell you, it hurt like a bitch and the noise I let out didn't sound pretty at all. I was more aware of what was going on, I could hear Octavia coming in and yelling about something, but I couldn't hear what she said. I also heard Jasper?!?! So he was ok! He sounded mad about something but I didn't know what.

3rd POV:

"Stop it! You're killing her!!" Octavia yelled. "She's trying to save her life." Finn replied matter of factly. "She cant." Bellamy answered while climbing up the latter. "Back off." Well's warned, but Bellamy just stared back. "We didn't drag her through miles of woods just to let her die." Clarke snarled. "Kid's a goner, if you can't see that your deluded. She's making people crazy." Bellamy sighed while looking with sad eyes. "Sorry if Y/n's a inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters." Clarke stated. (bitch pleaseee, stfu Wanhead) "Take a look at her. She's a lost cause." This made Jasper fly into a angry rage, "You asshole!" He got up and angrily started making his way towards Bellamy. Clarke grabbed his arm, "Jasper, Octavia. I've spend my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope." She explained. "This isn't about hope, It's guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do." Bellamy shook his head. "She's been like this for 3 days. If she's not better in 2, I'll kill her myself." He said, seemingly taking slight pity on the girl while he went down the ladder.

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