19: MAMA

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I'm his mother, like I wouldn't know....

Her Rain couldn't hide anything.

He had been like that from the day he was born, lips pouting when unhappy, eyes sparkling when delighted, or whole face smiley when happy.

Even before Phayu came to check up on Rain today, she had noticed the glow in her son's eyes when he talked about him.

Rain gushed about the senior who helped him when his car broke down and then repaired it at his family's garage at no charge.

He had asked her to buy snacks so he could thank him and gave her very detailed instructions on how "P'Phayu didn't like sweet things" and "Phi may like this or that." 

He was more animated talking about Phayu than any girlfriends in his past.

So, she had the chance to meet and size up Phayu today when he came to check on Rain.

He was a "wow" first impression with his handsomeness, mature confidence, and impeccable manners.

He took the time to introduce himself and share with her some details about his job as an architect and the family business that he helped run. He also told her that as Rain's Code Line Senior, he would look after him and help him out whenever he could.

She couldn't help being enamored by his politeness, charm, and intelligence. His good looks were just icing on the cake. She could see how any mother would consider him a total catch.


She finished arranging fruit on the platter for a snack and took it upstairs.

Since her hands were full, she called out her presence instead of knocking.

Phayu opened the door and immediately took the tray from her and placed it on the table.

She turned to check on Rain who was wrapped up in a blanket like a sushi roll, red-faced and breathing unevenly.

His eyes kept darting around and landing on Phayu who was standing calmly at the foot of the bed smiling politely

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His eyes kept darting around and landing on Phayu who was standing calmly at the foot of the bed smiling politely.

"What's the matter with you? Are you hot? Do you want me to wipe your body?"

"NO!" And then more reasonably, "I don't want it!"

"Then what's wrong? You're strangely flustered. Are you embarrassed that I'll wipe your body in front of him?"

She watched discretely as her son and Phayu had a conversation with their eyes. Her son was giving him killing looks as Phayu calmly lifted his eyebrows challengingly.

"Yes, that's right!" Rain said. "I can take care of myself. Don't worry Mae. Please go downstairs."

"Are you chasing me away?"

Things are getting interesting, she thought. She decided to torture him a bit. 

She turned to Phayu and said, "Phayu is there anything you can't eat, dear? Please stay and have dinner with us."

She saw her son give a vicious "you'd better not say yes" look to his senior who took his brattiness in stride.

She laughed to herself. A mother's sixth sense is never off.

"I can eat everything Mama," Phayu replied sweetly, as Rain continued to snap his displeasure at him with his eyes.

"Don't you have anything to do? Go downstairs, Mae," Rain pleaded.

"Are you chasing me away?" She asked with an innocent look.

Rain looked at Phayu desperately for support and he stepped in to save him.

"Rain is probably worried that you'd catch a cold from him. He worries about you." He added for good measure.

She gave him a dry look. "My son isn't that much of a good kid. But if you say so Phayu, I'll believe you!"

"Anyway, make yourself at home dear."

"Thank you, Mama"


Rain and Phayu went downstairs for dinner.

By this time, Rain's father was home. 

He had noticed Phayu's high-end motorbike outside and wouldn't stop talking about it. He loved motorcycles, but his wife wouldn't let him go near one. He asked Phayu endless questions about bikes and what it felt like to ride one. Phayu offered to take him out and teach him one day. 

That was all it took for Rain's father to become charmed by Phayu.

As they ate dinner and chatted, Rain's mother couldn't help but notice the way her son's eyes softened when he looked at Phayu and hung on every word when he talked.

What was most telling though was how Phayu took care of her son. He would put food on Rain's plate that he liked and Rain barely batted an eyelash as if this was a common occurrence between the two. It was done so seamlessly that she didn't even think they realized it. 

She hadn't been sure if her son's obvious crush on his senior was one-sided, but Phayu seemed equally smitten and treated her son sweetly.

Why would a guy, who had two jobs, come and spend his entire Saturday keeping his junior company when he was sick unless there was something more?

The subject of school and summer break rolled around and Phayu kindly offered to tutor Rain after work in the evenings so that he could get ahead of his subjects for his Sophomore year in university. After the debacle that had happened a few weeks ago, when Rain overslept and missed the deadline, he had become a changed man. He was much more responsible and focused on his schoolwork.

She knew he was studying at Phayu's garage because he said he could focus there. His grades had significantly improved over the past few weeks from what they had been earlier in the year. She probably had to thank Phayu for that.

Phayu knew from experience how demanding Sophomore year would be. The tutoring would be helpful. He said he could do it after work and since they might be studying late, that Rain could stay over at his house if needed so he wouldn't have to drive late.

Hmmmm....Who do they think they're fooling?

The mother looked at the father. A shared understanding was reached.

Rain's mother looked steadily at Phayu and nodded her approval.

Both boys breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily at each other that they had a good excuse to spend time together over the long summer break. 

*** End Chapter: TBC ***

A/N: I really wanted to see a scene in the show of them coming out to the parents. This isn't exactly that, but now at least when Phayu keeps calling the mom for permission to let Rain stay over....we know, she knows. LOL. Cause Mamas always know!! 

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So many of you have reached out and I so appreciate your kind messages about this version!! 

THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading this! 😍

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