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The next week was a miserable blur.

He threw himself into his schoolwork. But his eyes and heart were trained on his phone screen, waiting for it to light up with a text or call from Phayu.

It stayed stubbornly dark.

His classmates and seniors tried to cheer him up by being encouraging. They thought he was down due to the failing grade and criticism he had received from the professor.

Only Sky connected the dots, knowing that Rain wouldn't be staring at the phone waiting on a call from the professor. He was desperately hoping for a call from someone else.

Since it was almost the end of the first year, the projects and deadlines were getting more intense. They gathered many of these days to study and help each other with assignments.

Sky couldn't stand seeing Rain so miserable. He had tried to talk to him, but Rain hadn't shared any details.

Finally, when all the other classmates had gone to dinner, Sky decided it was the perfect time to say something.

"Rain, you aren't feeling down because of the professor's scolding. You're the type to recover fast. You're in this state because of a different matter, right?"

"Let me ask you frankly, Rain. You like P'Phayu, right?"

"I don't like him!" He says reflexively, not yet ready to share his feelings with anyone.

"Before you answer me, have you asked your heart yet?"

Rain doesn't know what to say.

Sky lets him off the hook.

"It's ok. You can think about this matter carefully and tell me when you are ready. Because no one knows your heart better than yourself."

More days pass as he works hard on his assignments. More than anything, he doesn't want to disappoint Phayu. Of course, he wants to get good grades, but the need to prove himself to Phayu overrides everything else.

But since they haven't spoken to each other, let alone seen each other, how would he even know that Rain was trying so hard? How can he prove that he's being responsible if they never saw each other?

Again, it was Sky who made him realize what he needed to do.

"Rain, you are someone who never gives up easily. That's what I like most about you! If you need to prove something, what are you waiting for? Go do it."

Rain's whole face brightens up.

"YES! How can I prove it if he doesn't know what I'm doing? I must show him!"


On the other side of town, a man is sitting in his office late at night, staring down at his dark phone, willing it to light up.

He sighs in disappointment when his phone remains stubbornly quiet.


Rain pulls up to the garage nervously as the sound of Phayu's voice telling him to stay away plays in his head.

It's ok, Rain, don't think about it. He channeled his dad, who taught him to have a strong will. He wasn't his dad's son for nothing.

He gathered up his board and materials and got out of the car. As he turns around, a pair of steely eyes are looking back at him.

"P'Phayu," Rain greets him happily, not having seen him in over a week. Phayu looks at him coldly and walks to the area with the mechanics.

Cute Boy [PhayuRain] [Love In The Air]Where stories live. Discover now