Chapter 4: Liberation (Part One)

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"You have arrived at your destination. Car doors are now unlocked."

The trio got out of the car and walked slowly towards the entrance of the naval base. Two huge metal doors stood imposingly in front of them. Its plain steel exterior stared down at them coldly despite the sweltering heat from the tropical sun, as if warning them to back off. A lonely sign read "Sector 161 East Naval Base". But it was quiet, too quiet.

"Hey Masako, I'm not picking up any live water bodies nearby. How about you?" William asked.

"No bio-electric fields on my side either. Maybe this base has been abandoned," Masako replied hopefully.

"Or maybe we're just out of range." William slowly walked towards the doors barring their entry and frowned. "It looks like the base is still in lockdown. How do we get in?"

"The same way we entered your area." Marianne placed her hands in the centre of one of the doors. They started to glow red and smoke poured out from between the metal and her hands. William and Masako quickly stepped back as pieces of the door started to melt and drip onto the pavement, sizzling as they met the ground. William looked in both awe and revelation at the man-sized hole Marianne had created. He stepped carefully over the molten metal and walked into the naval base.

Marianne stared at the board showing the layout of the entire base and scratched her head. "So... we take a left here and then go straight... no, we go right, and then-"

"It's pretty simple, no?" William said. "The boats are towards the extreme north here so we just have to follow the road from here and cut through this path." He bounced forward excitedly, walking back to the main road. "Come, I'll lead the- WOAH!"

William quickly stepped back as large metal spikes protruded from a covered hole in the ground, narrowly missing him. More spikes poked out from the ground in front of them, blocking their path forward.

"What's going on?" Masako exclaimed, looking around frantically.

William slowly put his hands up in the air. "End of the world and we're still getting arrested for trespassing. This is off to a good start."

Footsteps sounded urgently around the corner as ten young soldiers rushed out, pointing their rifles at them. "S- Stop! Or we will shoot you!" one of them yelled and adjusted his helmet nervously.

"Geez calm down, we're not even doing anything," Marianne muttered under her breath as the soldiers pinned them against the wall and handcuffed them roughly.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" a soldier questioned hostilely, jabbing William in the ribs with his rifle.

"We scratched a lottery ticket and won a day tour of the naval base," William snapped defiantly before a malicious grin formed on his face. "Are you the tour guide?"

The soldier's nostrils flared as he raised his rifle to hit William.

"We're just civilians and we got in by the front gate!" Marianne quickly interjected before the situation got any worse. "We only wish to leave this place by the yacht club."

"Front... gate? Impossible! The base is under lockdown. Nothing can get in or out! Tell me the truth!" The soldier pointed his rifle at Marianne, but hidden beneath his eyes was a slight sense of hope and hesitation.

Marianne stole a quick glance at his nametag. "It's true, Lieutenant Daniel. The doors are open now. You are free."

A wave of murmuring spread among the group of soldiers as they lowered their weapons slightly. "We're free? It's over...?"

"What is it like outside? Is my family safe?" one of the soldiers blurted out. William looked at the young corporal. He looked no older than twenty.

A conscript, probably. William conjectured, feeling a sense of pity for these unfortunate soldiers.

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