3. Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?

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"Why you ran away."

With that she starts to sing. I'm not sure if it's all one song or a bunch of different ones but I'm hoping a bunch of different ones because the lyrics don't sound like they should go together.

One second she's singing about a yellow submarine and the next she's singing about how her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

Right in the middle of her milkshake song I stop her, "Wait a second, is that true?"

"Is what true?"

"Does your milkshake really bring all the boys to the yard?"

"What?" She asks like she misheard.

I want to turn to talk to her but know I can't, "Does your milkshake really bring the boys to the yard. I didn't know a milkshake could be that good."

She pauses, "Wait a second you don't think the song means an actual milkshake do you?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Why what do you think it means?"

She starts to laugh, "Charlie you crack me up."

I almost turn shocked. What does she mean by 'crack me up?' Does she mean like I break her open like a walnut or something. "I what?!"

"You make me laugh."

This shocks me even more then the idea of me cracking her open, "I do?"


I smile and clear my throat. No ones ever said that to me before. It's quiet for a moment, "Hey keep singing." I tell her.

I raise an eyebrow as she starts to sing about a duck and a lemonade stand.

I sit there in silence until she's done and then I get hit with something. I hold the side of my head and with wide eyes I look down to see a pine cone.

"What the.." I trial off looking behind me. Just as I do a pinecone hits me in the forehead.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

She smiles, and her hair is all wet. I really get to take a look at her for the first time. It's no longer dark and she doesn't have dirt patches on her cheeks. She's even prettier then before.

"Starting a pine cone war." With that she throws another one but I catch it.

She looks impressed and I throw it back hitting her leg.

She laughs and runs around a tree grabbing more. I laugh standing up, and running to the same tree trying to grab pine cones. Soon we're in a full out war.

The only thing is I have an advantage over her. I'm a hunter and this is my territory. I know every tree and rock in a 100 foot radius.

When she's getting more ammo I jump up grabbing onto a tree branch and before she turns I'm seven feet off the ground.

She turns her arm up ready to throw but sees that I'm not there. She frowns and starts to walk around peeking behind thick trees. I bite my fist trying not to laugh.

"Charlie?" She asks starting to look around.

For a second I wonder if she's going to try to run for it but then she looks up. She grins and runs over to the tree climbing up. My heart skips a beat. I honestly can't remember the last time someone really smiled when they saw me. Especially a female.

I'm impressed as she scales it easily especially because I keep throwing pine cones at her.

Eventually shes straddling the branch below mine and she throws all her pine cones at me.

Since when do cannibals fall in love with their food?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя