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By the time they arrived back at the hotel, fatigue weighed so heavily on Eddie's shoulders that she almost said, "Fuck it," and used her abilities to get her legs moving. Somehow, she made it into the foyer and half-collapsed into a seat as Five raised his voice to gather their family.

"Okay, gather round, people!" he called. "Where's Luther?"

"Haven't seen him," Allison replied, taking a long sip of her drink.

Eddie tilted her head as she studied her sister - she could tell she was drunk, but her mind moved to Luther. "Shouldn't we find him?" she asked. "Maybe the Sparrows have him, and they're torturing him for information. That totally hasn't happened to us before." Eddie shared a look with Klaus.

"Okay, you know what?" Five shook his head. "We got bigger problems to worry about right now."

"Like what?" Allison shot back.

"This." Five threw a stack of papers with pictures on the table.

Viktor furrowed his eyebrows. "Who are they?"

"These are our mothers," he replied.

"That one's mine," Klaus pointed out, a hint of pride in his voice, before moving his finger to a woman with vibrant red hair and equally bright green eyes. "That one's Eddie's."

"They're all dead," Five continued. "They all died on the exact same day, October 1st, 1989."

Viktor shared a look with the others. "That's our birthday."

"Not anymore!" Eddie sang, waving her hands in the air.

"They all died before we were born," Five finished.

Diego let out a scoff. "That's dumb. If we weren't born, how can we exist?


"What are you saying?"

Five sighed, looking away from Viktor and giving them all a serious look. "I'm saying, when we jumped here, we created a time paradox. All right? Not just any paradox. This is the grandfather paradox."

"What the hell is a grandfather paradox?" Klaus asked.

"The big daddy of all paradoxes," Eddie replied. "I predicted this back in the sixties, remember?"

"And she literally just told you this on the car ride back," Five added, annoyance lacing his tone.

"Can we play pool?" Eddie suddenly got to her feet and moved past her family, not leaving room for argument. Her siblings followed behind her, and she sneaked a coin from the bar, practically robbing an unsuspecting man and slotted it into the table.

She arranged the balls in the plastic triangle and looked around at her siblings, waiting for one of them to play with her. None of them took the inclination before she spotted Stanley.

"Do you know how to play snooker?"

He shifted. "No."

"Good," she replied, shoving a stick in his hands. "I'll teach you."


"I'm so confused," Diego sighed, rubbing his forehead in his hands.


Eddie raised her eyebrows at Allison, her tone sharp and unforgiving. Her eyes flickered to Viktor, who subtly shook his head. Flattening her lips, she looked away again.

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