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Three days passed, they were peaceful, although there was still that jealousy in Chloe.
Today is parents day, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, mum knows it's today, she said she would come, but should I trust her? I don't know.
I was just at home, packing my backpack for kindergarten, I still have a few things in it for my mum.

-Ready? - my mom asked me

-Wait, I think I got everything, so yeah, I'm ready

-That's good, go to the car

-Mum, are you going to be in kindergarten right now? You know, for parent's day, because the plan is for the parents to stay right away..

-Listen kiddo, I don't know, you know I have a lot of work, I have to have a printout for Mr. Janckins by tomorrow.

-You never have time, even for a special day, probably Bluey's parents will be for sure.. you won't even meet them!

-I don't need to meet them, now lets go to the car.

I just sighed and got in the car.
During the trip to kindergarten, I decided to talk to mum about it again.

-You know what? Bluey invited me over, but her parents need to meet you first..

-Baby, you've known her for a week, don't trust her so soon, or her parents, you don't know who they are.

-You say that because you don't want to meet them at all..

-Uhh... okay, (Y\N), I'll stay on this parent's day, but only for an hour and a half, then I'm off to do what I'm supposed to do.

My eyes flashed and my tail began to wag, I didn't think my mum would stay, I was very happy !
When we got to kindergarten, there were a lot of parents of their children, but Bluey was nowhere to be seen.

-Hello (Y\N)!

-Oh hello Pretzel!!! - I hugged him

-Good morning (Y\N) mum!

-Mornin sweetie!

-Hey Pretzel, where are your parents?

-They're inside, the day's opening is starting soon, you better hurry up! - With these words, Pretzel left and entered the kindergarten.

-Hi! - someone hugged me from behind, I was very scared, it turned out to be Bluey!

-Bluey! - I hugged her to - you're here!

-Yes yes! With my parents!

-Oh Good morning - I said bowing slightly - That's my mum

-Hello, nice to meet you dear, and Good morning, I'm Chilli Heeler, that's my husband Bandit Heeler, we are Bluey's parents.

-Mornin, my name is (Your mum name), nice to meet you.

-I wonder what our special children have prepared for us on this day - Bluey's mum  started conversation.

Me and Bluey meanwhile also went inside the kindergarten.
It was crowded inside, everyone was sitting with their parents at one table, our parents sat together.

-Welcome! - Caylpso started - Hello to all parents and wonderful children here! I'm glad that you decided to visit us, it's a very important day, your children have prepared a lot of surprises for you, you'd better stay until the end! At first I would like to three prizes for the three best students here!

-Bluey, are you one of the best students? - Bluey's mum said

-Uhh well, I dunno! - Bluey started - I don't need it, what matters is that it makes someone else happy.

-Come here to me, Jack, Chloe and Coco! Great applause!

Everyone started clapping.

-Woah, I didn't know Chloe could be the best student - I said

-Darling, don't be naughty, why can't you be just like that girl? - when my mum said that, i felt both sad and nervous.

-Now that our wonderful students have received their prizes, it's time to play! - Calypso started - I want you to pair up, I am talking about children of course, but don't worry dear parents, you will also have time to play!

-Bluey! Do you want to be paired with me? - I said


-Hi Bluey and (Y\N), morning dear parents of them - Chloe came - Bluey, do you want to pair with me?

-Oh sorry Chloe, but I'm already paired with (Y\N)..

-That's okay, I'll find someone else, have fun! - Chloe left

-Is that Chloe? You said she was rude, but she seems like a lovely angel! - my mom said.

-Yeah, Angel...

-Okay children! If you are already in pairs, you will take part in jumping! Do you see these obstacles? You have to jump over them, holding hands, sweet prizes await the winners!

When our teacher said that I thought to myself not to show my mum if anything goes wrong I'm sure she'll be mad at me..
Me and Bluey were going to play against ...Chloe and Indy..

-Ready? Set! Go! - Calypso shouted slightly, signaling us to start

We started running and jumping over obstacles, at the moment we were winning, Chloe and Indy were running behind us.
I'm glad Bluey chose to be paired with me even though Chloe is her best friend and she asked about that as well.
Even though I feel something in my heart that I shouldn't, guilt, I don't want Bluey to focus all her attention on me and think I'm a victim of fate.
But I have to admit that I really liked her.
We had the last obstacle left to jump over, I could feel the win, all the parents were cheering us on!
Just as me and Bluey were about to jump, I felt a paw on my back, a weight that made me and Bluey fall...


All the parents were shocked.


-Bluey are you okay?! - I said in panic

-Yeah, I'm okay don't worry

-I'm sorry! I do not know what happened! Someone must have pushed me!

-Or, you have to be careful, you're clumsy! - Chloe said standing behind me, she had a bit of a rude smile at the end, I knew she was the one who pushed me.

-Bluey are you okay? - her parents ran over to Bluey.

-Okay, calm down, the important thing is that nothing happened to the children! Here are the sweets for Chloe and Indy. - Calypso gave them a mini bag of sweets

-Mum, i want to go home.. - I said to my mum with a sad tone in my voice

-What? You've been asking me to be here all week and now you want to go home?

-Yes, I want, please..

-(Y\N)! why do you want to go home? - Bluey asked me

-Bluey, I'm the reason we didnt win, you could have been hurt, and the truth is, Chloe pushed me

-Noo, mum, dad! Can they come to our house tomorrow? - Bluey asked her parents

-Well, I guess yes, if her mum agrees - Bluey's dad said

-Well, Chilli, Bandit, it's been a pleasure talking to you, and honestly, we'll all benefit if (Y\N) comes home now. I'll finish my work I need to do and in return (Y\N) will visit Bluey tomorrow!

-Yay! - Me and Bluey screamed, obviously we were very happy!

So we went home, it wasn't a very good day, but I'm glad that tomorrow I'll spend the whole day at Bluey's! Can I buy her a present?

【My friend from kindergarten】 - Bluey Heeler 💙Where stories live. Discover now