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You came to school very late, unfortunately, you were late because your mum forgot her purse from home.
You still felt a little fear, but you think there will be nice kids here.
You said goodbye to your mum and quickly walked inside the kindergarten. However, no one was inside, it turned out that everyone was playing outside.
Your eyes were looking at the whole yard, you were looking for your new friend, although she was not in sight, so you decided to sit on a bench outside.

-Oh hello - you heard a barely familiar voice, it was Chloe.

-Hi Chloe, uhh.. something happend? - I said

-Yeah SOMEONE happend

-What do you mean?

-Look, I know you're new and blah blah but, Bluey is my best friend forever and you're not even going to steal her from me, you understand?!?

-I didn't even try?

-Good, now, I'm going to play princess with her - Chloe leaves

It was pretty weird...? After a while, Pretzel came over to me.

-Hi (Y\N)!

-Oh hi Pretzel, I'm late today

-I know, Bluey couldn't wait to see you, literally she was asking everyone if you had arrived at kindergarten yet

-Mhm, nice of her - After a while I plucked a beautiful flower .

-I'm glad I moved to this city, it's beautiful here

-Oh Pretzel, have you lived elsewhere?

-Yeah, my parents had a bit of an argument so now I live with my dad, but I come to my mum's at the weekend

-Hm, you at least have two parents

-What do you mean?

Our conversation was interrupted by Calypso. She called us all inside, as I sat down on the floor, I noticed that Bluey had already come inside too.
She noticed me and quickly ran over to me.

-(Y\N)! I thought you weren't coming today - and then, she sat next to me.

-Hehe! It's just that my mum forgot something at home.

-Oh! Okay!

When everyone had gathered, teacher decided to announce something.

-Dear kids, it's soon parents' day, I would like you to do something special for them and invite them to our kindergarten for wonderful games and activities! Today you will make something for them from plasticine, and that will be their work, or if you don't know where they work, do what they like.

Parent's day huh? Interesting, I don't even know if my mum will show up, she spends a lot of time at work, and when she comes home, she also works..

-Come on, (Y\N)! Sit with me and Chole, we'll d-..

-Bluey, I'm sorry but I don't want to sit next to Chloe, I think I'll sit alone

-What? Why? Come on!

-Bluey.. she was a bit rude to me, I don't want to stand in the way of your friendship anymore..

-Oh yeah, she is so jealous, even yesterday she told me not to be friends with you!


-I don't want you to sit alone, if you want I can sit between you and Chole, then you won't sit next to her and not pay much attention to her, what do you think?

-Ohh.. okay then..

-Hooray! - Bluey's tail started wagging, after a while I went with her to the table where Chloe was already sitting.

It was obvious that she was looking at me strangely, as if she was telling me to go away.
But Bluey did what she said, chose to sit between me and Chloe.

-Weeeell, here we have plasticine, so what do your parents like or where do they work? Chloe? - Bluey said

-My mum takes care of my younger brother and does not work, but she loved working in the garden. Dad works like an interior designer and likes different colors!

-Cool Chloe! My mum works as a security guard at the airport, and she loves hockey! Dad works as an archaeologist and is often away from home for a long time.. but he also likes sports! What about your parents, (Y\N)?

-Oh.. my mum works in the office, she also likes to write poems

-And your dad?

-Uhh... I don't have a dad - I've started making something of plasticine.

-What? Everyone has two parents, no more kidding because it's not cool and you're just trying to be center of attention - Chloe said, then, I held back my tears slightly.

-I'm not joking.. it's true

-Yes, tell yourself and everyone here, you're not special!

I started to get more and more sad and I felt terrible, why is Chloe not being so nice to me?

-Chloe! Why are you acting like this, it's not nice! - Bluey came to my defense

-They talk some nonsense, it's not possible not to have a second parent, they doing it to impress you for sure!

My tears started to fall, I couldn't take it anymore and ran to the school bathroom.

-No! (Y\N) wait! - Bluey ran after me .

In the school bathroom, I sat in the corner, crying slightly, not understanding what I did to Chloe.

-(Y\N) are you okay? - Bluey walked into the school bathroom and sat next to me.

-No, I don't understand anything, Chloe is terribly mean to me..

-Don't worry! I have no idea why she acts like that, it's so rude! She's jealous that I'm starting to be friends with you

-Maybe we shouldn't be friends?

-What are you talking about! No one will manage our friendship, yes that's true she's my best friend but I have the right to have other friends as well and I have and I'm friends with them and she doesn't have a problem with it it just came up with this problem when you came here to kindergarten

-Also, she thinks I'm joking about not having a dad, but that's true..

-I know, I believe you, I know kids here who don't have a dad because their parents split up and live elsewhere - she hugged me - do not worry about it, now come on, let's finish the gifts for our parents!

After that, me and Bluey sat in a different place, leaving Chloe alone to think about her behavior.
I got to know Bluey better, I found out that she has a sister, who is two years younger than her.
It's been a while, but we've finished our gifts for parents.
Bluey made a plasticine hockey for her mum and a plasticine bone for her dad.
I made a book for my mum, I hope she will be happy.
The day was over, everyone was going home, her dad came to pick-up Bluey.

-Oh my dad is here! - she said

-Hm, my mum is not here yet..

-Don't worry, she'll be coming to pick you up soon, see you tomorrow! - she huges me

I watched as she got into the car and she waved to me, she's really cool! After a while, my mum came to pick me up, and we went home.

【My friend from kindergarten】 - Bluey Heeler 💙Where stories live. Discover now