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I came to kindergarten, I was in a good mood today! But something stopped me, it was Bluey, I saw her crying, what could have happened?
I approached her.

-Hi Bluey, what happend? Why are you crying?

-W..what? No, I'm okay, see? - She wiped her tears and pretended everything was okay

-I can see something's wrong, you can tell me anything!

-I'm okay! Nothing needs to be said! - she got up and went to another place, of course in kindergarten

I was wondering what had happened, but I preferred not to ask for now, I saw that something was wrong, I did not want to interfere in her affairs, I decided that I would ask about it maybe later, when she calmed down a bit.
Suddenly, I saw Chloe walk over to her.

Bluey POV

I sat down a little further from (Y\N) I didn't want them to see me so weak..
Suddenly I saw Chloe walking towards me, great..

-Hi Bluey, do you want to play in a pizzeria?

-No, not now Chloe, sorry..

-Why? Why do I see you crying?

-Because.. I cried, but it's not important, I'd love to play with you at the pizzeria, but later - I said thinking she would give me some peace of mind

-But I want to now, I'm terribly boreed!

-Chloe, please, I'm not in the mood

-But whyyy?

Why is she so annoying and can't understand that I'm not in the mood right now?

-(Y\N) tell you something wrong? - Chloe said slightly annoyed

-No, they didn't

-So what? what happeeeendddd

-Chloe! Go away! - After a moment, I realized what I said, my paws covered my mouth - No.. Chloe sorry I didn't mean to...

After a while I saw that Chloe had light tears in her eyes, then she left, what did I do? Why?
I followed where Chloe had gone, but I bumped into someone, it was (Y\N)..


It was Bluey

-Sorry! - she said, then got up and ran on, but then stopped - No!

-Bluey? What happend?

-Where did Chloe run to!

-Oh I don't know...

-You must know...

-Bluey what's going on? I'm asking for real life!

-I'm looking for Chloe, that's it

After these words, she went on and ran outside, I don't understand any more than why she was suddenly looking for Chloe?
Today in kindergarten, we hardly did anything because it was very hot, so Calypso said we should take care of ourselves.
I busied myself drawing something on a piece of paper, sipping my juice, after a few minutes, I saw Chloe coming out of the bathroom, I decided to approach her.

-Chloe, Bluey was looking for you, where were you?

-In the bathroom, she said something terrible to me!

I was shocked, what could Bluey say to her?

-What did she say?

-A lot of unkind words, she herself was unkind! I don't like her anymore!

-Bluey is the nicest puppy I know! How could she say something unkind?

-She's not cool anymore! - After these words, Chloe left

I couldn't believe what she said so I decided to ignore it and talk to Bluey later, for now I sat back to my drawing sipping my juice.
A few minutes passed, 20 to be exact, Bluey came over to me herself and sat next to me.

-Oh hi Bluey, Where were you?

-Outside, I was playing helicopter with Winton, Mackenzie and Coco

-Oh, are you feeling better? Look, I drew a flower

-Wow! It's so cool! And yeah, I feel better

-That's good, Chloe said you said a lot of unkind things to her

-What? No!


-No! I would never tell her that

-So will you explain all this to me? Please?

-Eh, you know, I wanted to be alone for a bit and she came up to me and insisted I play pizzeria with her even though I said I wasn't in the mood so I told her to go away.. and then she cried!

-Oh, now I understand

-Yeah! And then I ran after her, I don't know what came over me to tell her to go away..

-It's okay Bluey

-What? How is that okay?

-Sometimes everyone are so emotional that they will say something like that even though they don't want to, it's a normal thing

-But Chloe...

-Chloe said she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore

-What!? - Bluey was very shocked

-Hey Bluey, calm down! Not only did she lie about you, but she took offense at something like that, tell me, is she worthy of being your friend?

-Well...I guess no..?


-Yeah.. she's not nice, now i see it..

I hugged Bluey.

-You know you always have me... will you tell me why you were crying?

-You'll be laughing...

-No! I promise!

-I was arguing with my mum at the morning, I did not want..

-Oh Bluey, and this is a reason to laugh? Nothing funny here

-Well.. - Bluey sighed

-May I ask why you argued?

-I didn't clean up the toys in my and Bingo's room.. and she got angry...

-I'm sure she didn't mean it, you know your mum loves you, Mine does that sometimes too, but after that it's fine! No one is perfect, even arguments are normal

-How.. How do you know so much about this?

-Just because I'm a kid doesn't mean I can't learn about everything! - I laughed slightly - It's normal

-..I'm glad to have you

Bluey hugged me.
We talked a little more, and it was obvious that her mood had improved a bit.
Chloe walked past us a few times but didn't even say a word.
And so the rest of the day passed, me and Bluey sitting on the steps outside the kindergarten waiting for parents.

-Do you remember this flower drawing? - I asked Bluey


-Here - I gave it to her

-Oh!? (Y\N) thanks! It will be in my room! On the wall!

-Yay! Oh look, my mum has arrived, i have to go now, see you tomorrow Bluey! - I hugged her and waved and ran to the car

Bluey POV

I hugged a drawing from (Y\N), they are a really great artist!
I waited a while until my mum arrived, and I sat down in the car

-Hi sweetie - Mum said with a slight smile but it was obvious she was kinda embarrassed


-Listen... I'm so sorry about that.. For this morning...

-It's okay mum - I looked at the drawing of the flower with smile - it's normal

【My friend from kindergarten】 - Bluey Heeler 💙Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora