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Today is the day I'm going on a trip with the whole group from my kindergarten! I'm so excited, I have to say that my relationship with Bluey has improved a lot as well as with Chloe.
For today's trip, my mum packed me two sandwiches, an apple, and orange juice!
We will visit the astrology museum today.
Mum drove me to the kindergarten and left me there. I haven't seen Bluey yet, but I walked over to Pretzel.

-Hey Pretzel! - I went over to hug him.

-Hi (Y\N)

-Something happend? You seem emotionless

-Yeah I'm okay... I guess.. - I couldn't believe that he was okay

-Pretzel, we are friends you can tell me everything!

-Eh, I have no one to sit with on the bus..

-Oh.. I'm sorry, Pretzel, I'd love to sit with you, but I'm already sitting with Bluey

-Yah, that's alright, I'm used to it

Before I could continue, Bluey approached us.

-Heyyy! - Bluey hugged me.

-Hi Bluey! Ready for a trip? - I asked with a big smile.

-Of course I am! I've been looking forward to this since yesterday!

I looked at Bluey with a smile and then went back to Pretzel again, I was sad to see him so sad, I didn't know how to help him, he was my friend after all.
But after a while, an idea popped into my head!

-Hey Pretzel, Would you like to sit on the bus behind me and Bluey? We will talk to each other!

His eyes lit up, and I could see that he was immediately delighted with the idea.

-Sure!! - He hugged the two of us - Thanks!

After he stopped hugging us, Calypso came.

-Are you all there? Excellent! We can get on the bus, just be careful where you get on - Calypso said in her calm voice as always

Me and Bluey sat down together with Pretzel behind us, but the atmosphere was suddenly spoiled by something, more like someone..

-Bluey! Why are you.. sitting here? With them? We always sat together! - It was Chloe, still jealous of course

-Oh, Hi Chloe! Sorry, that I didn't tell you sooner, but it's okay if this one time I'm sitting on the bus with (Y\N) - Bluey replied

-Where am I supposed to sit now!? - The Dalmatian was still furious about that "little" situation

-Oh you can sit behind us with Pretzel! - I said

-Well... fine - She wasn't too happy about that, but she sat down next to the Cihuahua

-Okay kids! Does everyone have seats? Before we go, we need to establish a few rules. We do not litter on the bus, we do not run while driving, if someone feels bad or has motion sickness, please sit next to the window, that's all, have a nice trip! - Calypso said

I couldn't wait, it's my first school trip ever!
The bus started moving, it was a bit noisy, but I got busy talking to Bluey, Chloe and Pretzel.
All this time I could still see that murderous look from Chloe.

-So, What do you think will be in this astrology museum? - Pretzel asked us

-I'm not sure, maybe planets? - Bluey replied

-Yeah, dad told me a lot about planets, planets are discovered through astrology or something like that - Chloe said proudly

-How does your dad know so much about astrology? - I asked

-Well.. I'm not sure but he is smart!

-I've never seen the planet with my own eyes, it must be amazing! - Bluey said

-Bluey, the sun is a planet - Chloe said with a little laugh

-Oh really? - Bluey looked out the window - Interesting..

-The sun must be very hot to give us so much heat - Pretzel said

-Yeah, the sun is hotter than anything! - Chloe said

-Hotter than fire? - I said


I have to say that Chloe is a really nice puppy, although I had mixed feelings about her since she didn't like me, but now our relationship is improving a bit.
We continued our conversation about the sun until we heard something from the back of the bus.

-Calypso?! - shouted Rusty, after a while the teacher appeared next to him

-What happend? - Calypso said

-Jack says he feels bad!

I looked at Jack, actually he felt bad, could he have what Calypso said? Um, motion sickness?

-Come on Jack, you'll sit in the front window, Rusty you come too - The teacher led the boys to the front of the bus

I was a little worried about Jack, but after a few minutes I could see that he was starting to feel better and better, that's good.
A lot of time passed, and we arrived at this astrology museum.
When we went inside, there were so many planets! Of course They weren't real, they were just mock-ups!

-Wow! Look, there's that sun! - Bluey walked over to the mock-up, but something stopped her

-Hey kid, you can't touch it, it's a very important thing here - said the lady who was probably the security guard

-Oh, sorry - Bluey replied slightly embarrassed

-Okay kids, come with me - Calypso said, then everyone followed her

We entered a room that was probably an astronaut simulator! That was interesting!

-Oh wow! Calypso, can I go in there? - Pretzel asked

-Oh of course Pretzel!  This astronaut simulator will make you feel like a real dog astronaut!

Pretzel climbed inside.

-Wow! I LOVE IT! - Pretzel shouted during the simulation

It all really felt like it was happening in outer space!
After the simulation was over, we visited a few more rooms, in one of them books on astrology were given, I took one because I was very interested in it.
Later we visited other rooms with planets, we learned a lot about the sun, mercury, venus and the moon!.. and more more more!
At the very end we got food, fries in the shape of stars! It was funny and interesting.
We got home safely, and I told my mums everything!

-How was it?

-Amazing! I have a book on astrology, I was very interested in it

-That's good, astrology is interesting, you can learn a lot about the cosmos

-I know!

-I'm glad you have so much interest

-I'm happy too, It's great to learn something new every day

-Mommy will have a family genius, haha

I smiled and started reading the book.

【My friend from kindergarten】 - Bluey Heeler 💙Where stories live. Discover now