She hums in disapproval. 'Good, don't want people like that raising ya' now do we?' She chuckled and strokes my hair.

'Where's your husband?' I ask. 'He's just down there.' She points. 'Ah that's nice, how was Tennessee?' I ask with a smile. 'It was great. I better get going. Bye honey .' She smiles. 'Bye.' I walk straight to scarlett and elizabeth.

'Who was that?' Liz asks. 'Foster mom.' I mumble. 'Ohh...' Lizzie raises her eyebrows and we keep walking.

'Is that my little hannah i see?' Her husband says with shock. 'Yeah, it is.' I half smile and he pulls me into a hug, i literally physically recoil and scrunch my nose and eyebrows up.

'Well look at you with your fancy new hair.' He touches my hair, the contact making me cringe with anger.

'Yeah, red got boring.' I shrug. 'You looked good with the red, but this is nice too. Is that who adopted you?' He points to the two women.

'Yeah.' I smile. 'Better not be two moms you've got yourself.' He raises his eyebrows as he looks them both up and down. 'They're not together, Elizabeth is just her friend.' I say quickly, remembering the strong amount of homophobia he holds. Gaining two weird looks from the girls behind me.

'Oh good, i was worried for ya' for a moment.' He chuckles. 'Yeah that would be crazy.' I fake chuckle.

'You n' the light blonde one look awfully similar.' He raises an eyebrow. 'That's Scarlett. Everyone says that about us, but we aren't related of course.' I smile, i don't wanna get into the whole mom story right now.

'Miss havin' ya' around kid, house is empty without 'ya.' He ruffles my hair. 'Yeah it's weird not seeing you too.' Anger is boiling inside of me.

'Wife is waitin' for me, bye hon.' He kisses the top of my head and leaves.

I continue looking around the shop, trying to figure out ways to try prevent the long and awkward conversation ahead of me, we finally check out and head back to the hotel.

'Why did you tell them we weren't together?' Lizzie asks. 'Didn't feel like dealing with the headache i'd get afterwards.' I shrug as i lay down on the bed.

'Why does it matter what he thinks? It's not like he's in charge anymore?' Scarlett asks.
'It's not a big deal.' I sigh.

'Do you always introduce us like that?' Lizzie asks with an eyebrow raised. 'No, don't be ridiculous.' I furrow my eyebrows.

She hums and keeps unpacking.

'What are you pissed because i saved myself getting yelled at?' I scoff. 'No one's pissed hannah, we just didn't understand.' Scarlett says.

I just sigh and roll over.

We got room service spaghetti and settled down for the night. I slept in my own bed and scar and liz shared one. We've not really spoken.

I woke before everyone else at seven, i'm nervous. I brush my teeth, wash my face and start on makeup, gently lined eyes with mascara, nothing dramatic.

I put on my outfit and curl my hair, both the other girls are awake now.

'You look pretty hannah.' Liz compliments with a small smile and i thank her.

'What are we getting for breakfast?' Scarlett asks as she applies her mascara. 'I'm really not hungry.' I sigh. 'Well you have to have something.' Liz says. 'I don't want anything.' I shrug.

We walk down to the restaurant on the first floor.

'Have a muffin or something, please.' Scarlett sighs. 'No.' I mumble. 'Fine but don't complain to me when you're tired and grumpy.' Scarlett mutters as she gives up.