I was so focussed on not breathing or risking moving and making a sound that would give away the Alpha had shared his bed last night, that I paid no mind to what I assumed to be polite words of greeting being shared in soft whispers. She was female, whoever the wolf was, her voice soft and thick with an accent that hit hard letters and clipped the vowels of words.

Only when the hinges creaked as the door was shut again did I dare sit up, holding one of the thick reindeer pelts over my chest. Hati placed a large tray on the table, and though I could only see half his face, I noted the deepening crease around his mouth.

"Our food came with news?" I hinted, a sense of dread washing over me as my mind conjured what horrors could have happened while we slept.

Hati hummed, turning to me with a half smile that was equal parts sheepish and smug. Only a wolf with as much self-confidence as he would feel two such conflicting emotions at once. There was only one reason I could think of for such a look, something concerning me. . .

"It seems last night I made the wrong decision in being so openly affectionate with you, even after waiting for most to go to bed or be too drunk to notice." He grinned, unperturbed by whatever had happened. "For the first time in my Alphaship, I have been summoned by my own council. . .or rather, we have. I don't doubt they've became impatient about waiting for answers about Bruadar too. Softer I have met with the patrol who announced Brokkr's return, we need to make our way to meeting hall."

He chuckled when my gaze darted towards the door, assuring me gently, "Ashina did not know you were here, don't worry. She mentioned she couldn't find you in your rooms so assumed you had slept, ah, elsewhere. I told her I would make sure you received her message to join council."

His suddenly shifting gaze and lip-bitten smile made my eyes narrow. "She thinks I slept elsewhere? What does that mean? Why are you laughing?""

He tried his best to school his features and clear the warmth of amusement from his tone. "Yes, well, it seems amongst the rumours about you is one that you sleep outside in fur. That you scorn all of us who choose to live inside. Perhaps I shall let it be known how deep you burrow into a bed and relish in our comforts when no one is looking?"

Another rumour that had been started by Ingrid; I could tell just by the wording. My lips pinched, but I couldn't be angry at her for it. She'd probably started it before we'd made up, so the damage was done. Then again, she'd fled the hall in quiet a flourish of dramatics last night when Hati had danced with me. Unless something else had upset her? I would find out before the end of the day, I was sure.

"In that case, maybe I should sleep outside tonight to keep up appearances," I grumbled. "The pack won't be ready to hear they have a new Alpha Female yet. It would do us well to make sure we don't further rumours of such a horror as open affection."

Hati tutted. "And I was hoping to avoid breakfast with grumpy wolves. . ."

I rolled my eyes, but he was right. Nervousness had indeed made me grumpy. Facing the council was nearly as terrifying as the idea I would soon come face to face with a goddess. And if Ingrid was back to sabotaging me. . .

"We were too obvious last night. Ingrid might not be upset that we are mating but with the whole pack believing you two will be mated in the future, imagine what people might have said about us. Looks and pointed whispers about her position will have upset her. What must they have thought of us?"

"We danced together, Little Alpha, we didn't give them more to talk about than that. Those of the pack who weren't aware of something between us before last night are blind. Ingrid's ego, much like that of the council, will heal."

"We can hope."

Hati chuckled and perched on the edge of his bed, lifting something to my lips. "Open."

My mouth fell open at his command.

His thumb brushed my bottom lip as he placed something smooth and cool on my tongue before withdrawing his hand again. My cheeks flamed at the pride in his eyes as I accepted, all worries for the day fleeing at weight of what he was truly offering. To feed another wolf, especially one outwith family, was a statement in itself. It was a promise, a vow to protect and provide, and my heart swelled.

"Chew, Eabha."

I hadn't even realised I'd frozen.

Sweet juice exploded out the moment my teeth crunched down. A berry, I realised. I opened my mouth for more, and finally we had a morning together I could savour. Half the bowl of dark berries had been fed from my Alpha's fingers to my lips before he took one for himself.

"When we return to our den tonight, we will be mates." Burning eyes searched my face as if waiting to gauge my reaction to that. "Is there anything you would ask of me, anything you wish to know, before we seal our fates? I may not see you again until the meeting, and I will have you be sure before you are in a place where saying no might be. . . difficult."

My eyebrow flew up. "If I did not wish to have you, I wouldn't think twice about saying so, no matter who it was in front of."

He nearly choked on his laugh, pressing a hand to his chest as he stared at me in a way I didn't understand. "So blunt and unafraid. It is no wonder you've drawn the eyes of so many."

I was less inclined to agree. It was my powers that drew most of the attention, not my personality.

"There is nothing I can think to ask. Even if there was, I'd rather find out on my own, I think. Is there anything you would ask of me?"

"Only one thing."


Clasping one of my hands in his, he knelt before me. His gaze shifted over my shoulder before meeting mine, and his nervous edge was unnerving. "You keep your word, what you said yesterday, if you ever think I'm doing wrong, or making a mistake, if you think I'm straying from my path and heading towards the dark like my brother." His voice cracked and once again his gaze darted away. "Or my father."

"You are not your brother," I instead fiercely, sliding my hand from his so I could cup his face and force his eyes back to mine. "Or your father. You strayed once before and caught yourself, I don't believe you're a male who makes the mistake twice. I will remind you of that as much s you need, my Alpha. But if it brings you comfort, know that I will have your throat before I ever let you follow in their footsteps."

There was a glint in his eyes as his lips pulled up in a half smile. He turned his head to kiss my wrist then leant in to rest his cheek against my lap. It felt natural to stroke my fingers through his hair, gently working out the knots and tangles.

It was on the tip of my tongue to ask for the same from him, to ask him to make sure I did nothing that would give the gods cause to be wary of me. But Sköll's words, words I'd managed to lock away and not think about, suddenly came to the forefront; his claim I could raise the dead, bring back my brother. . .

I kept my silence.

And I would one day regret it.

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