Chapter 9

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Do you keep secrets from your mate? Do you think it's okay to have secrets from family, or your other half?

Chapter 9

Fingertips followed the dip of my waist, nails lightly scratching the curve of my hip so a delicious shiver went up my spine. A male rumble of satisfaction filled my ear, and I became overly aware of the hard chest pressed against my back, and the thick thigh sliding between my legs to press against my apex.

I could wake this way for the rest of my life.

Properly rested from a sleep void of nightmares or voices calling out, a soft smile stretched my lips. Was it Hati who had kept me anchored while I slept?

Whatever the reason for avoiding a trip to Helheim, I was most definitely awake now. Hati's touch brought every nerve-ending to life, stoking flames of desire even though I was sure half of his exploration was solely to search out the parts of me that had yet to fill out and recover from weeks of near starvation and struggle. The palm of his hand lingered on the bone sticking out of my hip, fingers trilling over my spine then swooping back down to press into the exact spots where muscles desired attention.

Arching into his touch only made Hati's growl deepen, and the sound drew a purr from soft smiling lips.

"Did I wake you?" he asked between nips to my neck while his fingers kneaded away any linger strain.

I hummed, wriggling to press closer without thought. "Yes, but I don't mind."

"You don't?" his hand splayed out over my belly, his thumb brushing the edge of my ribs, then exploring further up to cup an aching breast. "I thought I would find sleep easier with you next to me, but your scent invaded my dreams."

I opened my mouth to offer an apology, but ended up gasping instead as my nipple was tweaked between expert fingers.

"Sweet," he murmured, and I wasn't sure whether he was referring to my scent, the taste of my skin as his tongue swept over a spot he'd worked his teeth, or the reactions he could draw from me. Then just like that, he withdrew his touch to leave me overstimulated and craving more. "You need to take it easy over the next few days. Someone should be by with food to break our fast soon."

I arched a brow and turned to watch him sit up. He looked glorious even while sleepy. Golden hair spilled around his shoulders, small knots matting at the back, and eyes still hooded from sleep made him look younger, less weary. Usually glowing eyes were softened to their calm amber, and a line across his cheek showed he'd slept both well and deep to have the imprint of the bed marking his skin.

I smiled, unable to help but reach out to stroke my fingers along his back. His head fell to one side and a soft sigh parted his lips.

"We should eat with the pack," I said, knowing it would do him good to bond with everyone. Besides, I wasn't sure I was ready for anyone to find me in the Alpha's den yet. I eyed the door nervously.

"Most of the pack will be nursing hangovers. This morning is not the right one to implement your plan for me."

I must not have mastered my stern look as well as Hati, for he didn't so much as blink. His argument was sound, but I had the feeling he made it so he could procrastinate and not to avoid grumpy wolves with pounding headaches. It was also nerve-wracking to know that the next time Hati ate with the pack, he could be doing so as a mated male. With me at his side.

My stomach twisted nervously, so I decided he could have his way for one more morning. It was too late to convince him otherwise anyway; tapping steps came from the other side of the door, followed by a brisk knock just as Hati rose to his feet. Gloriously naked, he strolled towards the door and pulled it open, his huge bulk blocking me from view of whoever was on the other side. A curious sniff was overwhelmed too much by steaming breakfast foods to offer the wolf's scent. Whoever it was would see the scratches and bites covering their Alpha's flesh, might even notice a strange scent that mingled with his too.

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