Keep your enemies closer (3)

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My mind reeled back to the events of the past once more. Felberta, who worked at the orphanage must have discovered my identity the night she stalked me to get a healing potion for one of the children they were taking care of.

She begged me so pitifully, that I agreed to heal the boy, even though I've already sold all my potions that night. The continuation of the memory of my departure from Brenia came back to me as I huddled in the carriage that set forth to Ma-i. 

"Please trust me. I will not put my benefactor in harm." Felberta uttered fervently, who was still behind the door. 

Grandma Inchop soon unlocked the door for the lady. "Where are the men?"

Felberta, quickly came inside and looked around. "At the base of the hill. We don't have much time, Sierra needs to hide here for a while. I'll distract them."

"I have a crawlspace under my living room." Grandma Inchop quickly went and dropped the things that she packed before looking at me. "Hide, Sierra."

"Y-you can see?" Felberta was surprised to which the old woman replied with a grunt. "Did Sierra heal you, too?"

"Whether she did or not is not the time for story telling. Quickly, hide now." Grandma Inchop dragged me to the trap door, but I whined, not wanting to do so. I was scared of what might happen to them while I was safely tucked in the crawlspace.

"Grandma, can't you hide with me, too? Can't the three of us just hide here together..? Please?" My voice was trembling as tears endlessly poured out of my eyes.

Looking at Grandma's solemn face, Felberta looked disgruntled as she came to pat me on my shoulders. "I'm sorry but we can't Miss Sierra. If we all hide in there, they won't stop until they turn this house upside down to find something and we'll all be discovered. If you want to give us a higher chance of survival, please listen to your Grandmother."

But no plan could ever go as intended. While I sat there in the crawlspace as I covered my mouth to mask any noise I might produce, I heard them accuse my grandmother of harboring a witch despite Felberta's convincing story that my grandma could have been deceived by the witch. Later on, there was a ruckus, and I heard Felberta scream as a loud thud fell atop near the trap door.

"Where is the witch!? Where is she!?"

"You've no right to to act like you've given the town any justice-!" Before Felberta could continue, I heard Grandma gurgling words.

"She's long gone. Do you really think she'd let herself be prosecuted by a bunch of ungrateful brats?"

The men didn't like her response and a few thuds were rendered on the floor, until Felberta spoke. "Are you really going to waste your time on an old woman who you don't even know if she's involved with a witch?! The witch that you're looking for could very well be laughing at you while she's escaping in triumph after causing this discord!"

I tightened my hold on my mouth at the weak gasps of my grandma.

Oh god, oh god... I'm sorry. I should have listened to her. This is all my fault. I did this to her...

I heard the men curse, before a rush of footsteps fled the house. Soon, the trapdoor was raised by Felberta. The men were finally gone, chasing after a phantom that was never really there. I quickly climbed out, drawing my blood to save Grandma Inchop, but she stopped me.

"If you heal me, they'll know you're closeby. And all that we did will be for naught. You must escape Sierra..."

"I can't... I'm sorry I can't... Grandma, I'll just die beside you. If it's dying, I can do it. I've already died once, anyway... I can do it."

"Miss Sierra... Please don't say that. Your Grandma sacrificed herself to save your life..." Felberta uttered as she clasped my hand to comfort me while her other hand wiped my tears away. We were almost the same age, but Felberta always seems so mature. Her calm countenance despite the bruise that was starting to form on her cheek couldn't be compared to my messy appearance that mirrored my mind.

"Sierra... Oh poor Sierra... I'm so sorry that it became like this... Nevertheless... You must not die here..." The words trailed off as she gasped.

Felberta nodded at me to respond to Grandma who seemed to lose more breath every time she spoke. Looking at her increasingly paling face, I tried to suppress my tears and act a bit more braver like Felberta to try and appease Grandma Inchop's recurrent probing for a positive response to her demand. 

Forcing my lips to part, I could hardly grit out bitter words that slowly choked me. "Okay...- Grandma... O..kay..."

A weak, small smile coated her lips as her wrinkly warm hands grasped mine.

"Yes... Don't be sad, little one... All lives are bound to end someday... I am actually quite lucky to reach this age before doing so-..."

I nodded as I tried to straighten my lips that kept on quivering to a downward arc. I could never quite succeed, however.

"You're indeed a good girl... So... Please escape... You must escape... Promise me..."

I took a long breath in to steady my voice. "Yes... Okay... I promise..." 

I'm not a good girl.

All I did was run. And the only memento I could get from the person who became my family is a note tucked in the folded map that was yellowed by time, and the stain of her blood on my hands... 

No matter what happens, you can not turn back on your journey. If you reach a crossroads, do not be easily tempted. What is offered to you will come around, but what you miss of your own volition, can not be taken back...For you, Sierra, this is something that you must always keep in mind.

Even if the world says otherwise, I will never regret meeting you, my sweet grandchild, Sierra Alvior.  


Tread lightly in speaking promises from your heart. It seals a path you will no longer be able to walk away from. 

A/N: Dedicated to all loving grandmas in the world.

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