The Town of Secrets (4)

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"Be watchful. Don't be devoured." The merchant whispered before letting go of my hand. It was more like a hiss, I was sure the two intruders will think of it as such in that distance.

"I'm sorry, young miss. Your companion was being very insistent." The manager of the inn smiled sheepishly at me. I returned a similar smile before looking at Azrael worriedly. I didn't think he'd come looking for me.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, gentlemen?" The merchant stood up to welcome them with calm elegance.

I stood up, as well, feeling embarrassed for Azrael's behavior. You'd think he came to rescue a damsel in distress from the way he barged in unannounced.

"I apologize..." He started, his neck finally angling away from me to face the merchant. "Nobody was answering the door when we knocked."

"...Oh my. We were too immersed in our conversation to notice."

"That's right. I'm sorry if I worried you..." I supplied with an awkward smile. "Well-that-... I couldn't forget about the necklace so I decided to find the merchant." Good job me, for thinking quickly.

"You should have told me. Then you wouldn't have to go out in this dangerous weather." Azrael snapped. I winced.

"Ha-ha... Right... It's just that you weren't there when I woke up, so I figured-"

"It would be fine to venture alone in the alleyways during a storm?" Azrael finished for me, his usual leveled tone, on the verge of breaking.

I quickly shut my mouth. What would I say? That I was desperate for a free necklace enough to ignore the horrendous rain and thunder?

"Please don't be too hard on Miss Sierra. She must have been bored without company, and as you can see, she has not been harmed."

"I can see that clearly now that I entered without much difficulty... Even thieves can come as they please-"

"Right! I didn't realize it's aready become so dark!" I quickly cut off Azrael's words before the argument could become bigger. Turning to the merchant, I offered her my apology. "It was fun talking to you. I'll come say goodbye before we depart Ashinpu. Have a good night, and thank you for the hospitality."

She gave me a small, warm smile in return. "I will be waiting."

I quickly ended it there and dragged the two tresspassers out.

"Azrael... Thank you for coming to find me, but that wasn't very nice... She'd been nothing but accomodating."

He said nothing as he stormed out of the house leaving the manager and I in an awkward silence amidst the auspicious objects scattered about. The defeaning rain that was once loud was beginning to lessen and only a drizzle was left in the atmosphere outside, fanning the awkward silence in the merchant's shop.

"Don't blame him. He must be worried." The manager tried to comfort me, so I just nodded as I followed after Azrael, careful not to bump into the merchant's goods. Right. Friends worry about each other. I should apologize to him later.

"Also, I'm sorry for revealing the purpose of your errand earlier than promised... The young lad is frightening when he's angry." He added behind me, I had to look back at him.

"He was angry?"

"I thought I was gonna die!"

"Eyy." I waved my hand in the air with a snort. "Azrael is gen-" I stopped short when I recalled how he threw the man like he was a rag doll in the forest. "I'm sorry, it must have been scary, but he surely didn't hurt you, did he?"

The manager opened his mouth then closed it before shaking his head. "Anyway, the merchant is not a good person, so I don't recommend you meeting her a second time."

"Why do you say so? She's kind." Albeit a little suspicious but nothing happened to me.

"You haven't been here long to be sure of that. Trust me, miss."

I frowned as I stopped by the portico to retrieve the umbrella I'd borrowed from the inn. From there, it was a silent walk out of the deserted alleyways to the similarly vacant main street. The beggar that I'd seen huddling by the garbage cans with a makeshift tent is now gone, probably hiding somewhere in the nooks and crannies of Ashinpu.

The weather seems to be getting better, a far cry from the torrential rain this afternoon. We might be able to resume traveling by tomorrow by the looks of it.  

Even as we finally reached the entrance of the inn, Azrael remained tightlipped, but had quickly covered me with his cloak before opening the door. The black fabric swallowed me whole and the hood hid half of my face, I had to tip the extra fabric to see what was in front of me. 

"Are you angry?" I asked, faltering in my steps as I followed him inside the lobby slash dining room slash reception area.

No response.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." I added, managing to keep up with his long strides. I could feel the other customers staring at us with interest. I tried to ignore them as we passed by the rows of tables pressed against the frosted windows that faced the street. 

"Azrael... I'm sorry." I was beginning to get tired, and didn't notice my feet stepping on the long cloak until I lost balance, shrieking at my demise. Azrael was quick, however, as he reached out to steady me- Only to miss my hand. The yellow light created a warm glow in the interior, but Azrael's intentional misstep made it seem like it it was winter inside the Mermaid's Inn.

The small buzz of conversations that continued when we arrived fell into complete silence, and if I wasn't sure about it before, now I can say with absolute confidence that everyone's attention is focused on the small play in front of them. 

"...Are you that angry?" My voice was laced with an incredulous tone, still recovering from the shock of what happened. "I didn't tell you because it was a personal whim. I'm not even paying you for your service... Of course I also have conscience." I gulped, feeling a lump in my throat. Probably from the embarrassment and pain on my knees.

"Goodness... The lady is crying..."

If it wasn't for that one person who mentioned it, I wouldn't even have realized that tears have began falling one by one on the floor.

Azrael pulled me up. "I am not angry, so wipe your tears away."

"Then why are you not talking to me properly?" I snapped, a little angry myself. There was a hard edge in my tone as I hurriedly dried my tears with the back of my hands.

"...I'm tired."

I narrowed my eyes at him in displeasure. The obvious avoidance from the topic annoyed me, and I wasn't one to take bullshit from anybody. "I was not angry when you left leaving a note to inform me of your absence. That is the same as me telling the manager to inform you of my errand." I poked at his chest angrily, to which he responded by grabbing my wrist and holding it hostage mid-air.

"You and I... are different-"

My head reeled at his words. Boy, am I furious.

"Don't talk as if you know what I've been through to make a confident comparison of our differences. News flash! I came unharmed from walking alone in the streets." I then snatched my hand from him and stomped up the stairs with a huff.

A/N: Ahhm...

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