The truth that meets you (8)

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I need to think about it really seriously. The things that I've learned so far... The sudden offer, and my ultimate goal. 

In fact, the only reason why I wanted to go to Ma-i is because I didn't have any sure options of surviving. My mentor also urged me to follow whatever plan I had, so I did... Grandma Inchop, was even kind enough to give me a map.

I sighed as I hugged myself to ward off the cold wind passing by the balcony of my room in the Gofraidh's villa. It was already night, and stars came out to twinkle on the dark blue blanket of the world.

When I came to this world, it was also on a night like this. I thought it was the afterworld, so I ignored my hunger and continued to sleep on the cool dewy grass. That was how Grandma Inchop found me. I was hit by her walking stick because she was blindly trying to find her way back into her house after a short trip to her garden. It turns out, she had accidentally walked a little farther than she should have. Her first words were, "Did someone dump a dead body in my property?," while hitting me until I asked her to stop, because I wasn't a dead body. Well... Not anymore it seems as the pain felt very real.

Although she wasn't the most affectionate, she is kind. She gave me food, clothing and shelter even though I was a stranger she just met. After filling my stomach with the boiled leaves she offered, I realized this isn't the afterworld. Especially after hearing stories of the town she's living in. So when she asked me questions of where I came from, I feigned amnesia.

Even though the hospital became my home, I never lacked in education, because my brother would always drop all kinds of books in my room. Sometimes, he would even give me lectures if I asked him to. One of which is about geography, and I've never heard of a modern empire named Kesoe existing on earth. However, I did recall of a world having a similar town called Brenia. Later on, I realized it was in a novel I read.

It was crazy, but it wasn't crazier than the fact that I rose from the dead. Maybe that was why I came to terms with my new reality without too much difficulty. But most of all, it was probably because of Grandma Inchop's company that I managed to stay sane.

Despite my unknown origin, she was kind enough to take me in as an herbalist apprentice after noticing my interest in her potions. Just like that, I became a resident of Brenia after she vouched for my identity and told everyone that I am a distant orphaned grand daughter from the city. The story she spread soon garnered pity and acceptance from the people, and I grew lax and comfortable under their pitiful gazes.

Later on, I learned that something built on a lie will easily crumble against newfound doubts.

"Grandma, the potion is ready. I'll take the pot out of the fire now." I informed her, so that she would step away to give way for my movements.

Once I was done, I grabbed her hand to guide her to the chair.

"I'll wait for it to cool down before putting it into the bottles."

"You're getting used to the work like a true herbalist." She smiled, but her eyes were looking at a different direction. She once told me she could see before but an accident happened with her brother, and ever since then, she'd been blind. 

"Of course. The best herbalist taught me, after all." I chuckled as I took a towel to wipe the sweat on her forehead. We were both standing near the firepit a while ago. She must have felt hot. "Ah-" I frowned when I accidentally smudged blood on her lids. I cut my finger a while back and forgot to treat it.

"Sorry grandma, I got some blood on you." When I tried to wipe it off, it had suddenly disappeared as if her skin absorbed it, and when she opened her eyes, again, she was suddenly able to see.

It was the night we discovered that my blood can cure blindness. We were both shocked, but she was even more so. Grandma warned me never to use it again, but a human's curiosity knows no bounds. Once I came across a wounded squirrel and hesitantly pricked my finger to draw blood. It bore a similar result that blew all my skepticisms away, and a grand idea began to brew in my naïve mind.  

I will save the town filled with good people from the war. Because no risk was ever a good reason not to try. Because how could I turn my back from the people who took care of me when I know full well of the bleak future that awaits them? 

So I secretly sold potions with a drop of my blood in disguise. In the previous earth I've lived, money is power. A philosophy that applies even in another world. If I have money, then I can do anything. First, I'll hire a fake envoy to warn the people of the brewing war in the borders, and fund the needed transportation services needed to escape Brenia. However, nobody told me trust is so easily broken. That the unknown is very frightening and that it was enough to drive people into making it a villain. And that was how I became a witch who tried to offer a whole town to Hatan. 

"Pack only what you need. Get all the profit you gained with you. Wear a cloak and take the horse in my barn, and leave." The way she calmly said the words as she dragged me inside our home in a hurry, made me tremble from fear. One look on my face as soon as we heard the story froze the rare smiles on Grandma's face. 

"Grandma... I'm not a witch. I just wanted to help everyone..." My voice shook as I stood trembling in the living room. We had just come from town where a strange rumor began to surface. The fake envoy I had trusted to do his job well, didn't follow what I had instructed, and instead spread rumors of a witch telling him to lure the townspeople to a suspicious place where they would become live sacrifices to Hatan. This poured gas on the stories of the merchants I've sold my potions to who were wondering about the identity of their mysterious healing potion supplier. In a small town like this, it will not take long enough to accuse someone of anything, and someone who has no background is the easiest target of suspicions. 

Grandma Inchop stared me down and I fell kneeling to the floor as I clutched onto her dress in fear. "Grandma, please don't kick me out like this. I'm telling you the truth... I don't mean any harm. It's because I'm worried... th-that there might be a... w-war coming- Grandma, I don't know where to go... I'm sorry- I'm sorry I disobeyed your warning..." I bit my lips, tasting saltiness in my tongue. Drops of water fell on the floor and my breath hitched as I inhaled sharp, deep breaths. "...I won't ever use my ability again. I promise, Grandma. Please don't make me leave, pleaseee... Grandma-" Sobs began to erupt from my throat when she grabbed my wrists and pushed me away. And since I refused to move, she took the initiative to pack my things in a hurry. 

"Dry your tears, and move." 

"I don't want to, Grandma... I don't want to leave you...-" But she was faster than me, and suddenly, she grew strong enough to push me when I grabbed on to her. And when I refused to stand up from the floor, she slapped me. And I knew then, that no matter what I do, she will continue to refuse me. No apology can repair what I've done... 

"I saved you, who came from nowhere, and made you my apprentice, because I believe in you... The best herbalist in Kesoe believes in you. If you don't want to make all my efforts go in vain, you will leave, and you will not come back." 

I was stubborn in the end, and didn't want to leave, until a woman's voice called out from outside, informing us that a group of men were on their way to our home. Her heaving breaths were panicked, as she uttered in a brave voice. 

"I know you're not a witch. Please, let me help you escape. I swear on my life that I will not betray you." 

The sound of the leaves rustling brought me back to reality, and when I came to, tears had escaped my eyes. I quickly wiped it away, cleared my throat, took a deep breath and pinched my cheeks as hard as I can. 

The war didn't start yet... Wake up, Sierra... 


A/N: Happy valentines day! The edited cover's finished, too. Let's celebrate singlehood forever. 

If you're loving the story so far, this author can't buy herself flowers. Donations are much appreciated. :D 

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