Keep your enemies closer (2)

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When night came, I was the first one to be seated in the dining hall. I thought I was going to eat with Azrael, but the headmaid came and informed me that they might not be able to make it to dinner after all, so I obediently ate my food, and retired to my room. It was morning of tomorrow when I finally caught hold of Azrael.

To my surprise, he was back to wearing his hood. "What..." I couldn't help but look at him all over, even stretched my hand to poke at his body. "How are you? How are your injuries? You didn't get new ones, did you? Is that why you're covered up again like this?"

"Good morning, Sierra." He had a pleasant tone as he grabbed my hands to stop them from poking incessantly. "Have you been eating well?"

I raised a brow. "Of course."

"That's good. I was worried, because you slept for a whole day-"

I cleared my throat, cutting him off before returning the initial subject. "Anyway, how long are you going to help the Captain with this case?"

I have a schedule to catch. I have to go to Ma-i and apply for employment before the war breaks out, which will happen in two months time. Also, I don't know when I'll be called back to stand in court as a witness.

"...Yesterday is my first and last. I only helped with a few things. The rest is all administrative work."

I retrieved my hand and stood up properly. "Then let's talk... If you're not busy."

My feet instinctively headed to the garden. I've only visited it once, but it quickly became my favorite place. I don't want to miss the summery weather, and feel regretful for not going out later.

"Did you accept the Captain's offer?" I finally asked.

"What about you?" Instead of answering, he threw the same question at me. "Did you accept his offer?"

"No... I must go to Ma-i." My answer was resolute. It was what I had planned in the first place which was later on cemented by Grandma Inchop's words.

No matter what happens, you can not turn back on your journey. If you reach a crossroads, do not be easily tempted. What is offered to you will come around, but what you miss of your own volition, can not be taken back...For you, Sierra, this is something that you must always keep in mind.

"Then... Let's go."

I turned to face him almost immediately.

"Why do you look shocked?" He seemed amused as he closed the distance. "I made a promise, didn't I?"

I blinked at the brown eyes shaded by his hood, my lips parting as I tried to form a coherent sentence. "Well... You did, but knighthood..." Doesn't it make more sense to accept that offer now?

"If it makes it easier for you to accept my company... I've accepted the Captain's offer, and I'm tasked to protect Sierra in exchange for your cooperation as a witness." He replied.

"You've already discussed up to your tasks? Then... Are you officially a knight right now?" I couldn't help being shocked. It was too sudden, and I didn't expect this at all.

"Not yet. A formal audience with the king for knighting is needed to be officially recognized."

"Right..." I uttered, blinking at him stupidly, but soon broke out into a grin. "I'm happy for you, Azrael! You must become a kind, righteous knight, okay?"

He didn't respond, but the mirthful curve of his eyes told me he was smiling.

"Still, you didn't feel pressured to take the position of my guard, right? Because I'm a friend?" I asked just to make sure.

"...It's precisely because you're my friend that's why I volunteered to guard you." He raised his hand to the top of my head, and I soon felt his fingers brush against my hair. "There was a leaf."

I looked at the green object between his fingers in contemplation, until a sudden gust of wind blew past us, carrying it away and untangling wisps of my hair from Daisy's braid. The lose strands flew about while I held my skirt down. The fabric was light, and it could easily hike up above my thighs if I don't put my hands over it. If it was before, I wouldn't have cared at all, because I always wear pants underneath, but now that my wardrobe's been 'destroyed', there's nothing to cover my bottom other than a thin 'drawer'.

My hair was getting caught in my eyes, but Azrael fortunately gathered them and brushed them back behind my ear.

"Thank y-" I smiled at him awkwardly, but paused as soon as I caught his gaze idly staring down at me. A slight daze covered his brown irises, as his arm slowly dropped to his side.

"I will be twenty years old a week from now."

I blinked at the information that was suddenly thrown on my lap.

"It would be nice if I finally gain something without too much trouble."

"...A wish, huh?" I smiled, then nodded. "Then I hope your wish will be granted."


A/N: What is Issac's wish?

a) To be prettier than Sierra. Duh.

b) For someone who's hiding such a dark personality, it must be the end of the world!

c) Aiiiiyyaaaa... Isn't it obvious with that kind of ambiguous tension in the air?

d) (*'σー`)

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