Before I could run away,  I felt warm arms grab hold of me, and I was flying in the air, and I look up, seeing a man in all black, wearing a black mask with pointy ears, and he had a bat symbol upon his armored suit, and then he sets me down far away from the cop car that slammed into a brick building.

"Thank you sir."
I tell him.

He merely nods, and used a gadget, firing it up in the air, and he pulled himself into the air.
"Who is that guy?"
I ask myself as I continued to walk down the sidewalk.

I found a good restaurant to eat at, some kind of diner, and it was a nice quaint place, but I sat alone in a booth, and the waitress was nice, she immediately could tell I wasn't from here at all, and she was very polite.
I had chicken strips and fries, as well as fried mushrooms with ranch.

I didn't eat all the fried mushrooms so I took them to go, and paid my sum, as well as leaving a generous twenty as a tip for her.

Walking upon the sidewalk, I had my wireless earbuds in, and the song Crazy 4 You by MUCC was playing in my ears, and it's a catchy Japanese rock song.
I hum lightly as I walk, me heading home, and as I was walking, my phone rang with my Mom's number, and I answered it with my earbuds in my ears.
"Hey Mom."
I say to my Mom, me stopping walking.

"Hey sweetie, so how's Gotham?"
She asked me.

"It's fine.
I saw something weird today.
A guy in a bat costume saved me earlier."
I tell her.

Mom exclaimed, and I flinched at her doing that cause it hurt my ears.

I say to her.
"My ears Mom!"

"Oh sorry honey."
Mom says to me.

"It's fine Mom, but I'm not joking!
A guy in all black suit with a cape saved me!
It was weird as it gets.
But overall I'm thankful he did."
I tell her and kept walking now.

I eventually arrived home to my complex, and went into the elevator, me talking to my Mom on my phone.
"Nah I'll be okay so don't worry."
I say to my Mom as the elevator doors opened to my floor, and I walked to my apartment.

I take my key out, and unlock it, stepping inside, and lock it with the deadbolt, and the regular lock.
"I'm just worried, because I heard stories about Gotham being a haven for crooks."
Mom says to me.

I sigh and say.
"Mom I'll be fine, alright.
Please don't worry."

"If you say so."
She says to me.

"Anyways that guy was kinda hot in that weird outfit."
I say as I sit on my couch.
"Though I couldn't see his face cause he had a mask on."

Was he buff?"
Mom asked.

I crossed my thick thighs over each other.
"Actually he was.
He had a bat symbol on his chest."

"That's totally weird."
Mom says to me.

"I know right?
I mean he did save me though, which I'm thankful for as I said."
I tell my Mom.

"I'm happy you were saved.
But what happened that you were in danger?"
Mom asked me.

"A car almost splattered me."
I tell her.

She gasped.
"Holy shit!

"Yeah, but I'm fine."
I tell her.
"I even ate dinner at a really nice diner.
It was a warm place."

"Was the food good?"
She asked me.

"Actually it was."
I tell her.

My Mom was always a worry wart, and very protective, especially since my so called Dad knocked her up, and refused to raise me, asking her to get an abortion, but my Mom refused, and swore she'd file for child support, and she did, but he never paid an ounce of it, which my Mom who was poor at the time could've needed such money to feed and clothe me, she filed and filed for it, but alas that deadbeat father of mine wouldn't pay it, to where Kansas went after him in another state, and he ended up in prison, until he was forced to pay child support in prison, that is until I turned eighteen, the man is now in his seventies, and my Mom she's sixty since she had me at age thirty.

Crazy For You {Joker Romance{18+}Where stories live. Discover now