Fate's Journey

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"Sir Gilmore. For your friends, how much is this going to run us?"

"Hmm," Gilmore smirked.


After collecting their supplies and (unfortunately for Vex) paying Gilmore, they caught up with Scanlan, Grog, and Percy who were in a beat-up cart.

"Oi! Slow asses! Check it out. We got a good deal on the cart. Practically, literally a steal. How'd you do?" Scanlan asked as they all jumped in the cart with Vex in the front with Percy.

"Let's just say I'd hate to see what Gilmore charges his enemies," Vex grudgingly said. 

"Hyah!" Percy yelled as he whipped the reins to speed up as they left Emon. They traveled for the entirety of the day as the sun was beginning to set in the sky. Athena was staring at the sky, daydreaming, as Scanlan was continuing to study the diary.


"Yes? Sorry did you say something?" She turned to Vax.

"It's alright," he chuckled, "I was asking how you were doing. I didn't really get to ask after the party plus all those corpses attacking us." 

"I should have been the one asking you that. You were trapped in there with those two. You almost died. Honestly, I keep thinking about what would have happened if we showed up too late," she said looking down at the cart floor. She was ashamed of herself for what happened but more frightened of what could have happened.

"Hey. Listen to me," he said causing her to look back up. "I'm alright now and we are going to give them some payback," he smiled, bringing a small smile to her as well. He brought out the healing potion from his pocket.

"I saw that you still had some bruising left from what he did to you. We didn't have enough at the time but I wanted to give you this now," he offered it to her. She looked at the potion before pushing it back to him.

"I promise I'm fine. It's not really sore anymore, plus someone else might need it more later so we should keep it for then." 

Vax grabbed her hand, placing the potion in it.

"Please, Athena," he begged. Athena hadn't seen him like this. She brought the bottle to her chest. "We need you in the best shape as well...Not that you aren't in good shape...just that," he tried to save himself but stop once she heard her laugh.

"It's okay, I get it. I will drink it." She popped open the lid and drank the contents. The remaining bruising on her neck instantly disappeared, bringing a smile to Vax's face. 

"Thank you," he said. Their moment was interrupted as they heard Grog groaning in the back of the cart.

"Oh, please tell me you're not shitting in another cart," Vax commented as both of them got up to check on him.

"It's not working, it's too hard," Grog cried.

"Grog, are you crying?" Athena asked as they both sat down next to him.

"No," he sniffled wiping away the evidence, "Pike said I can talk to her even if she's not here and I'd feel her. But it doesn't work."

"Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Pike is going to be fine," Vax said.

"I know that. She's stronger than all of us. I'm more worried about us without her."

"Me too, Grog. Me too," Athena sighed. The three of them sat in silence for a while as a way to comfort each other. Keyleth had fallen asleep in the cart while Scanlan continue his best effort to translate the book.

A Raven's Blessing | Vax'ildan x OC | TLOVMHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin