Chapter 5 of Princes and Kings

Start from the beginning

Didymus patted Vinans back. Vinan felt warm. He never thought of it before but his father was right. He wanted to spend time with him, even if it was a silly visit to a bazaar to mingle with the Elven lady fare. They entered the bazaar through a beautiful, white elvish pillar archway. From the arches, hung cloth, and scented, dangling weeds of pipe tobacco.

Smells of Red Elven Cedar, mahogany teak, fresh linens, and savory food wafted about.

Mixes of perfumes and pies from different booths mingled with melons and spices. "Don't apologize. I'm happy to see you. You're a handsome young man. I'm proud of you." Didymus said.

"Thank you, father."

"You're a prince. Go be a prince and talk to pretty girls." He rustled his hair and smiled.

Vinan laughed and ran into a nearby, small cluster of Elven women around a flower and gown vendor. Didymus never told Vinan his secret. The good looks and fortune he traded a witch for sickness and slow death. He never told him what he'd lost to see his son bear heirs.


With a tilt of her chin, Priestess Hilda moved with a stride of nobility and elegance.

She walked to the wooden, Flower and Gown Booth. A gathered crowd of patrons were aghast and saw before that she laid hands on the elderly Sister Elda. Hilda had sent the impostor Elda away using sacred words of prayer. A sigh departed her mouth as she pulled out seven coins. The gown was soft with small sequins of silver that sparkled in the sunlight. The daylight beat down on the Bazaar and stone walkways. Sister Lisa and Sister Elda walked to Hilda. Rich tapestries and elegant dark robes with corsets draped. Purple-cut Elise hung against the booth wall.

Men with helmets walked by in lines of four. They held swords at their sides. They were Cardaman and carried tall banners depicting the symbol of A white raven. A white raven came from the Westerian kingdom. A young boy with dark brown crinkly hair and an elaborate red velvet cape ran, slowed his pace, and stopped. He wore dark, fur pants and boots. His thin white tunic fluttered in the breeze. He had a short rapier encrusted with saffron sheathed to his hip. Hilda never saw such a handsome youth, other than Eddipus. In fact, she found the boy more radiant than her hero fair. Girls glided to him, fixing their laces and adjusting themselves. Hilda felt flustered. If only Eddipus knew what she felt, he would draw his sword on the lad.

The boy's dark brown eyes reached her glance, and he smiled. She blushed as she neared closer to him. He possessed a fine charm, an innocent aura, and a friendly yet sly crooked grin. Something lingered. He had a darkness Hilda couldn't figure. A slight shiver flowed through her. She stopped close to him and curtsied, blushing.

"Hello miss," he said, almost flirtatious but gentle and sweet. "You look so'" He stuttered a little. He was trying to find the right words. "you're very beautiful, my lady." 

"You jest?" Hilda laughed, as she tried not to give in, her flesh felt warm. 

"Sorry, my lady. My friends wish to protect me even though I'm not in need of their services." He patted his side weapon and looked back at the banner guards nearby. 

"Really" She laughed again and continued. "Well. I'll be going." She turned away.

He grabbed her hand. 

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