Chapter 1: You are the light of the world-like the village of Hilltop

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Priestess Hilda of the High Groves paused at the mouth of the cave. Her pulse quickened as an old woman's voice resonated with an alluring force. It reached into the marrow of her bones, weaving through the air like tendrils. "Hilda," it called. She blinked against the glare of the sun only a few meters outside of the cave.

The tall grass outside danced a wild rhythm, beckoning with each sway. The voice, hypnotic in its cadence, belonged to no one she could see, yet its intonation held the weight of familiarity.

"Hilda..." It called again, this time more insistent. Her heart trembled.

As the Priestess stood rooted to the spot, her mind spun, trying to summon the strength to move again, but any effort on her part had proven in vain.

The voice intensified, pulling Hilda back into the Hallow with an unseen force. The air around her grew thick with a sense of urgency. She could feel invisible, disembodied hands bound her, groping at her. They were gentle but firm.

She felt drawn deeper into the darkness.

Though she struggled, Hilda found herself unable to resist the mystical pull that threatened to engulf her.

She fought to break free from the grip, but the hands persisted.

Invisible fingers continued to frantically drag across her skin, their ethereal touch at once both invigorating and unnerving. Hilda's breath hitched as she realized the truth: the hands were trying to help her. The hands of elves.

"Follow us, Hilda," a soft whisper echoed through the cave. "But do not look back, or you'll turn to a pillar of stone and become one with the Hallow."

Trusting the Clan Elves of the Red Forest magi, Hilda allowed herself to be guided by their invisible, mystical hands, feeling their energy course through her as they led her to safety. With each step she took, the intense pull of the voice grew weaker until it vanished altogether.

Finally, she emerged from the Hallow, squinting against the bright sun. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with fresh air and allowing it to cleanse her.

"Anaya-Hym," Hilda breathed in the elven tongue, her voice brimming with thankfulness. The phrase was a humble 'Thank you'.

The assembly of elders convened in her presence. Despite their advanced years, they bore a wisdom Hilda could never fathom. "Your safety is our priority, Priestess Hilda of the High Groves," a melodic voice replied from the head magi, though his mouth remained unmoved. The wind carried his whispers. It was a form of telepathy.

"Eddipus has departed on a quest to find a cure for Adeve. I fear what may happen if he fails."

"His courage is legendary among our people," another elve chimed in, the wind carrying the words like a lullaby. "He will not fail."

"However, his journey is not our concern right now. Do you have any duties to attend to, Priestess Hilda?" Another asked.

Hilda's brow furrowed as she grappled with her obligation to safeguard Sister Lisa. Her heart pulsated with concern for her beloved. She was stuck at a crossroads of emotion: the longing to join Eddipus in his adventure and her commitment to protect Lisa.

"Will you be returning to Hilltop?" The head magi's question pulled Hilda back from her musing, his astral voice resonating within her mind.

She nodded. "Yes, I must tend to Sister Lisa. She needs me now."

"Very well," the magi replied, his gaze unwavering. "We shall use Portal magic. It is the least we can do to aid you in your duties."

She joined the circle of magi, clasping their hands tight. Their power surged around her, forming a vortex of energy that would soon rip open a portal and connect them to Hilltop.

Out of the Hallow book one: REVISEDWhere stories live. Discover now