Prologue-fixing the shattered

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"Please...have a SEAT!" The snatcher yelled, breaking his weakened facade. Bow kid, or, Bonnie jumped back, but hat kid, also known as Harriet, only blinked.

The shadow of a bench lifted from the ground below the girls, forcing them to sit down.

Harriet was, sufficed to say, very unimpressed. She yawned in the snatcher's face when he was going to start ranting. Bonnie would have killed her friend right then and there for her blatant lack of care if she didn't think they were about to die already.

"All these Time Pieces landed in MY forest. They are MY property," Snatcher began. Harriet wanted to laugh but felt the intense glare of her curly-haired friend and was able to stifle it into just a smile, "So, let's make a deal, young ladies. You get out of my forest, and I never see you again. How's that sound for a deal?"

A paper scroll burned into existence by blue flames. Its purple seal melted away, and the paper unraveled, putting out the fire in the process. A feather unrolled with the paper, and floated at the bottom of the scroll, twitching impatiently to be used.

The contract said:
"Get out.
[] Get out
[] Just get out
The following parts of the forest you can enter: none of it.
Take your junk.
And leave.


Bonnie and Harriet looked at each other before they both turned back to the fluffy ghost with grimaces.

"What?" He hissed, "Not a fan? Well too bad. You don't make the calls here."

Bonnie sighed and looked at it, took the feathered pen, and began to sign it. Before she could finish, her friend plucked the pen right from her fingers and pulled the paper over to herself. Bonnie gave her friend a glare, which Harriet retorted by sticking out her tongue. But the kid looked back to the page, taking the pen to the signature line.

That was, until she quickly moved it to the top, and started to scribble over the entire thing. Bonnie stared in horror and shock, and the snatcher's jaw would have dropped if he had one. Harriet paid no mind through. Once she was through, it now said:

"Stay and have fun!
[] Be nice...!
The following parts of the forest you can enter: all of it!
Be our BFF!!
And stay!
Signed: Bonnie & Harriet"

Bonnie read it, and her terrified look fell into a small smile. She wouldn't admit it, but it was pretty funny.

"You girls know...that's not how a contract works, right?" The snatcher's voice wavered. He still took the contract, bounding it back and lighting it aflame as he continued to speak, "I'm giving you a chance to scram, kids! There's no catches or clauses this time!"

He waited to see if there was any response, but the girls just stared, not even blinking. Against all natural laws, this ghost began to sweat.

"W-What if I give you your hat and bow back?" He offered, throwing back the girl's accessories. Even Bonnie seemed unimpressed.

"Oh!-and your souls back, will that make you leave?" He asked, pulling their souls from the shadows. The souls were immediately drawn back to the children's bodies. Bonnie patted her chest when it entered. Harriet seemed to care even less about being there now.

"No...?" The snatcher's hands clasped together nervously, "Hello? Anyone there? Why aren't you saying anything!?"

The girls stared at him with unblinking eyes.

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