《chapter 2. why》

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Still Bruno's pov

2 weeks later at the studio. I'm just sitting here in the blue playing with the piano and the keys is playing Versace on the floor. I stopped playing the piano for a quick cigarette break. And I continued playing with the piano while my lips was holding the cigarette and the smoke clothes in the air into a perfect Wiggly move.

Soon as I continue to playing the piano, I hear someone opening the door to the room I'm currently in countless of times. I didn't care if somebody was walking in cuz it must have been one of my band members. And I was right it was Phil.

"What's up my brotha" Phil said dabbing me up and I was so happy to see him. I'm glad that my partner in crime came into the door to check on his boy. And that's what I love about him. He knows me so well and I can't hide it. "What's good man, how's the wife and the kids?" I said turning my whole body around to face feel sitting on the stool across from me. I'm hunched having my elbows on my thighs and my right hand holding my cigarette. Phil is hunched like a casual one.

"Oh things are going well with the family, but what about you? And why you sitting here all alone in a damned room bro?" Phil giggled shaking his head a little. I Shrugged my shoulder as I was playing dumb.

(Of course something is wrong with me, I just don't want to tell him. He doesn't need to know every, single, thing in my life. But then again. He's my friend.)

Phil knows what's up. If I keep lying to him he will never give up until I do. But I still don't want to tell him at the same time so I have to make something up to avoid voice in my mind telling you me to tell him.

"you don't have to tell me anything I know anyways. The whole entire band know what's going on between you, Linda and Zendaya. I'm not dumb I know you man".


I frozed for a moment. having my heart beating in a fast-paced like I'm hearing my own heart getting ready to explode like a volcano full of blood. I curved my lip to the right side of my face sucking my teeth and said " you and the band know what? Cuz I don't know what you're talking about, I was dancing with Linda and only Linda and was thinking about Linda". I played dumb. I blew the smoke until Phil got up walking towards me in a fast paste, he aggressively grabbed the cigarette from my hand and smashing the burnt tip of the cigarette on the ashtray. " I think you had enough Puffs Bruno. Spit it". I think I kind of like this side of Phil. It can get pretty annoying sometimes but when he talks to me like that. It's like I can feel his words slapping me into some sense. That's why I love that guy. I don't like him sometimes but I am got to love the Friendship we have. But right now... I got two switch it up. " let's cut the shit Phil, why are you in my business? Huh? I didn't do anything and I'm telling you right now... I'm not trying to think about this,,,ok? I'm not thinking about Zendaya I don't even care about Zendaya I don't even see her in my mind anymore. And yes we didn't get divorced, we're still married.. she gave me a second chance. That's why I love this woman. She gave me a second chance why are you not giving me a second chance"

I should have saved that much energy for something else instead of Phil because I know he will never give up. Why I should have broke down and just told him with my dumbass

Phil's POV.

I looked at him like is he crazy?. Is he going to keep on lying to me? Cuz I'm not dumb and he knows that. But I'm going to tell him anyways. So I can definitely embarrass him. Cuz he's looking stupid right now just saying this to me. "Okay no let's cut the shit Bruno" I said it in a raspy tonetaking out my cigarette and a lighting it up. I took a few Puffs as the smoke came towards Bruno's face. " I can tell you what you did that night at the club. 2 weeks ago right?" I puffed again and blew the smoke to the side as I was tapping my pointy finger on my knee. " I'm like a smart Detective around here and I will never give up and you know that right? So why play dumb Bruno?"

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