"So I'm going out later to get my braids done you wanna come along?" oh I forgot to mention Davids wife (Sharita) is gonna braid my hair. She really was like a mother figure to me since Aliyah (my mom) failed to be one.

"Yeah sure what time are we leaving?"

"Around 4 o'clock it's a 10 minute ride from here" Jada just nodded and told me she was gonna get dressed while just played with Lynix.

After a couple seconds of me just playing with Lynix, Jada called for me to come upstairs. When I came upstairs she smiled awkwardly to me and began talking.

"So uhh I may or may not forgot to put an extra outfit in my bag so uh can I borrow something of yours?" she asked me like it was the hardest question ever.

"Yeah go ahead just look in that closet and pick something" I said while leaving her so she can change.

When I got downstairs I bumped into someone so when I looked up I was met with Niko. "Oh I'm sorry you alright?" he asked me. "Yeahh are u?" I asked him.

"Yeah don't worry, we uh got breakfast" He said while showing the bag in his hand.

"Alright" I said a bit awkward and trailed behind him to the kitchen were everyone was sat to eat.

After we all ate Chunkz and Filly decided to do the dishes while the rest of us went to the living-room and chilled a bit until the guys were done.

"Guyssss you wanna play a game" Aj asked. Why does he always have to say something?

"No" "Yes" "Alright" ugh I really don't wanna play a game right now but alright.

"What game?" Chunkz asked while walking in with Filly behind him.

"Some Truth or dare hehehehe" Aj said with a devilish smile. Ohhh hell naahhhh. Why does everybody agree to play that shit.

"Who is going first" Sharky asked. "I am" Kenny said.

"Hmmmm I'm going for Mani" he said smirking. I just gave him a blank stare. Until my phone started ringing what reminded me that I had to go.

"Eyo Jada we gotta go" I told her. On which she just nodded and got up.

"Where you guys going" Filly asked me.

"she is gonna get her hair done" Jada said on which the guys just nodded.

Jada and I put on our shoes and headed to my car. "I didn't know Filly owned a Lamborghini urus aventador" she said a bit shocked. I just chuckled and said.

"haha He doesn't it's mines" and she stared at me with utter shock.

"Wauw it's beautiful" "Thank u now hop in cuz ion wanna be late"

I started the car and gave the aux to Jada who blasted the song Bad Trip by Nana Fofie. We both began singing the song. And to be honest she has a good voice.

"Eyo Jada u should do something with your voice u can sing for real"

"haha thank u"

"No worries, you wanna see something" I asked her."Uhh yeah sure why not"

"Alright u ready" "yeahh go on" I stepped hard on the gas pedal and a loud ref sound could be heard. Jada was pressed into her chair. "Damnn" was the only thing Jada could say.

After a good 10 minutes we arrived at Davids and Sharita's house. I knocked on the door and Sharita opened the door with a big smile and engulfed me in a big hug. "Omg Armani how are you" "I'm alright ma how are you?" I asked her.

"I'm good thank u, who is this beautiful girl u brought with u" she asked me while letting us in.

"Oh yeah sorry, Jada this is Sharita, ma this is Jada" yeah I call Sharita ma because she and Filly's mom always took care of me and my siblings.

"Oh it's nice to meet you miss.." "Call me Sharita dear"

"well it's nice to meet you Sharita" Jada said while hugging Sharita.

After Sharita offered us something to drink we went upstairs and I sat down and made my self comfortable while Jada sat down on the couch.

When Sharita came back with the requirements. she began splitting my hair up while I connected my phone with her speakers and blasted some music. Sharita decided to give me some cornrow-braids with red ends to represent my corner.

While Sharita was working on my hair she and Jada got along pretty well. I gave my phone to Jada so she could play some music. Until the music was interrupted by someone calling my phone.

"Jada who is calling" "Filly he is facetiming you should I pick up?" "Yeahh"

Soon after Filly's loud voice echoed through the whole room.

"HELLOWWWWWWWWW" he said happy. "HAIIIIII" Jada responded.

"Where are you guys" he asked while he sat his phone down so all the boys were on the screen.

Jada then sat the phone down in front of me so now Sharita, Jada and I were also on the screen.


"hahaha Hello" she said back lauging.

"Can we come over and chill with u guys?" Filly asked Sharita.

"Ofc what u asking for you and ur friends are always welcome and don't mind knocking the door is open" she said.

"Thank uuuuuuu, see ya guys later" 

After 10 minutes we heard footsteps coming upstairs. And a couple seconds later the guys barged in.

"Helloo nice to meet you" the guys all introduced themselves to Sharita and sat down on the couch.

"Mamaaa" I said in a childish voice.

"Yes Ami"

"Do you still have some red bull"

"Yes in the mini fridge over there, Filly get Ami a red bull please and get your friends some too"

~ time skip~

Sharita finally finished my hair. And I had to go home to get my bag and head to the arena where I will play my match.

"Mama thank u so much but I gotta go cuz David will kill me if I came one second late"

"You welcome Ami, I love you And beat her ass for me yeah"

"You're not coming tonight?" I really thought she would be there but I guess not.

"I'm sorry baby I will be over here and watch your match"

"It's alright imma head out see ya guys later innit" I was a bit disappointed but I won't let them know that.

"Uhh about that we thought that we could stay here with Sharita cuz otherwise she would be all alone here" Filly said.

"Oh yeah aite see ya guys after the match then" with that I left.

When I arrived at Filly's house I went upstairs washed my body got dressed in some random tracksuit. After I made sure I had everything I got in my car and drove to the Arena.

1722 Words

To be continued

Disclaimer: I did NOT prove read this.

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