The Base Violence Necessary For Change

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Y/n and Vi, knowing that the time had come, they gained their feet and waited expectantly for the door to be opened.

And when it happened, they both stared wide-eyed as the people on the other side of the frame moved toward them.

Instead of seeing the armored enforcers, they were shocked to see Vander and Benzo.

-"Dad?" Y/n asked, surprised to see his father before him.

Vander approached them, sighing in relief -"We don't have much time."

-"How did you find us?" The boy asked.

His father ignored his question and got closer to them, he grabbed them by the shoulders and put them close to him.

-"I'm proud of you. Always have been." The bearded man gently caressed their faces.

-" I'm sorry, this was the only way to protect the others." The red haired boy explained.

Benzo looked outside the window and noticed the enforcers getting closer "-Vander." He hissed, alerting him of their presence.

Vander deviated the look towards his feller, but quickly returned it towards the two younguns -"You've got a good heart, both of you. Don't ever lose it."

He brought them even closer to him -"No matter how the world tries to break you, protect the family."

Before either could argue, he lifted them onto his shoulders and shoved them into the basement of the store.

-"No!" Both kids yelled, refusing to accept what their father was about to do.

Vander closed the door and locked it to prevent them from getting out.

The heavy breaths from the oxygen masks became louder, announcing the arrival of the enforcers.

-"Vander, let us out!" They yelled -"Dad, this isn't right!".

Vander could only lean his head against the door, thinking to himself, preparing to leave everything behind to save his family...

-"I'm guessing that's for me."

The bearded man looked towards the pair of enforcers at the entrance, the sheriff and his subordinate.

Marcus walked towards the basement, but Vander stood in front of him, not willing to let the enforcer pass.

The subordinate sighed, tired of the situation -"You're gonna let us make the arrest or not?"

-"You'll obligue a doomed man one last smoke." Vander replied. He took out a match and scratched it against his fingernail, lighting it. He brought it close to his pipe, letting the flame ignite it -"Won't you?" He finished after taking a puff.

Grayson, realizing what the man intended to do, pushed Marcus aside and walked over to him.

-"I'm not putting you away, Vander." She stated, her voice was slightly distorted due to the mask.

-"The Council needs its pound of flesh." He replied.

-"Without you down here, it all falls apart." She exclaimed, appealing for reasoning.

Vander took another puff -"Benzo will handle things." He rested his pipe on the table -"He may not have my devilish charm, but he runs a tight ship."

Hearing this, y/n and Vi pounded on the door harder.

-"Vander, no!"

-"You can't do this, dad!"

The bearded man walked over to the sheriff's deputy and held out his arms to him.

Man Without Fear (Daredevil reader x arcane)Where stories live. Discover now