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The juvenile group was currently chilling at the town's arcade, Vander had told them to hide and lay low and so they did. Violet was using the boxing machine, practicing her moves and trying to beat y/n's record.

The brown haired boy was currently playing pool with his fat feller, Claggor, both were pretty good at it, so it lead that every time they had the chance to play a little, they would take it and spend hours trying to beat each other. Mylo was being... Mylo.

-"Remind me why we bother with this dump." He said while picking his nose.

-"Vander said to lay low." Vi replied as she kept hitting the pads -" The enforcers never come down here, so, this is as good as place as any."

Yeah, maybe, when the deal between him and the sheriff was still on, but what about now?

The boy couldn't think of anything else. Was Vander working with the topsiders all this time? Did he lie to them for years? To him? It didn't make any sense. His mind kept filled with doubt as he stared at the pink haired girl punching the machine.

Should I tell them?

-"Oh, what's the matter, Mylo? You worried Powder's gonna beat you again?"

Y/n was quickly drawn out of his thoughts by Claggor's mockery -"Hey, if she didn't keep fixing these things, I wouldn't keep missing." He referred to the toy guns of the shooting game, he kept losing to Powder and always complained that she had the entire machine fixed.

However, the little blue one didn't care at all, she liked to beat Mylo on this game, it was her way to let out all her frustrations due to his attitude, that's why she always seemed overenthusiastic when it was time to turn the machine on.

-"You guys know I wouldn't take you on a job you couldn't handle, right?" Vi hesitantly asked.

Maybe just her?

-"Are you kidding? That was the best job we've ever done." Mylo replied while trying to shoot the targets -"Maybe just don't take Powder the next time."

The blue haired girl, tires of his behavior, loaded her gun and aimed at the targets menacingly, not a single shot missed.

Once she finished, she mocked him and moved to other machine, just as she was about to play, she heard the people clamoring outside, as if they were arguing with someone -"Y/n?" The little one turned to see the closest person to her at the moment, the young boy understood her gestures and was about to head out to investigate, but he stopped on his tracks at the view of a citizen being thrown towards the building's window, breaking the glass and revealing their position.

The enforcers glared at the group before moving towards the place -"Search them." The one in charge demanded.

They got pretty close to the group and were about to register them, but the pink haired girl gave the feller with goggles a signal to shut the lights down, and he did. Mylo hid behind the machines booth and tried to fire at them with the toy gun, achieving nothing, so he opted for the alternative, run away.

An enforcer tried to grab him, but he was sent to the ground by the impact of a plate that was launched by Violet.

The other one looked surprised at his partner, but he ended up joining him after the brown haired boy broke a pool stick on his head.

Powder almost got caught, but she managed to get the enforcer's arm stuck in one of the machines. The crew regrouped outside the building and kept running through the alleyway, but the closer they got to the end, the clearest the figures of two enforcers walking towards them became.

They had no way out, it was a dead end, or so they thought, however, a light of hope manifested in the form of a child arrived to save them. The little black boy dropped a stair, so the group could go up before getting catched -"Over here!" He yelled.

Man Without Fear (Daredevil reader x arcane)Where stories live. Discover now