While Toya sat there wandering off into his thoughts. The whole class had gone quiet. Mr. Takahashi sighed softly as his small smile died down slowly.

"No one?" He said, looking around the class.

Still silence.

As Toya was quickly pulled back into reality, he looked around cluelessly. There were some people side eyeing him. What'd he do now..? He was just.. Zoning out for a bit was all. Did the teacher call on him? With a very puzzled expression, he looked at the teacher. It didn't seem like he was trying get his attention..

What was happening..

This was why he tried his best to not zone out during class.. What ever the teacher said he either forgot or just wasn't paying attention.

For at least probably 2 minutes of silence had passed. No one had volunteered to answer.

"Fine Fine. This unit is going to be about the kingdoms of the past. Mostly we're focusing on the war between the Aoyagi kingdom and Tono kingdom, which I'm pretty sure you all have heard about before sometime during Elementary school." Said Takahashi-Sensei.

Great... We're going to learn about my ancestors and the war.. Wonder what questions I'll get this time.

"So we're learning about the teachers pets family? How cool." Someone said in a sarcastic tone. As soon as the person said that, everyone turned to look at Toya.

As expected..

"Oh Yeah! Isn't Toya-kun's last name Aoyagi?" A girl asked curiously.

Toya sighed quietly. Wonderful. This was going to be a wonderful hassle to deal with. He probably won't be left alone about this topic until probably the end of the semester.

Now guess what. The whole class began talking about Toya all of a sudden now. He sat there quietly, getting uncomfortable the longer this went on. He disliked being the center of attention.

"Okay Okay. Yes everyone. Toya's last name is Aoyagi and that's it. Let's not bud into his personal life or whatever you guys are chatting about.." Takahashi-Sensei spoke up, managing to shut everyone up thankfully. Then shooting a slight glare at one of the kids as he spoke up again.

"And Daiki. Call Toya a "Teachers pet" again and you'll receive a punishment" Soft giggles were heard from the girls in the classroom. Daiki responded by rolling his eyes.

So this kids name was Daiki..? Weird I haven't seem him in here before... Or maybe I'm not just paying attention am I..?

As usual... Daiki was one of those troublemaker kids you could say. Though he hated how Takahashi-Sensei paid a bit more attention to Toya than he did to all the other kids. So basically you could say he perhaps was just jealous. Of course, no one else knew he did. Besides. Well. Himself.

"Now then let's begin with todays lesson." He spoke once more before heading over to his desk. Pulling out a small dvd case from a drawer. Walking over to the tv at the front of the classroom.

A dvd..? Takahashi-Sensei never uses dvds to teach something during class...

Toya blinked in confusion, tilting his head slightly as he wondered.


Was someone calling him? Toya looked around the class curiously.

"Class pet!! Over here!!" Someone whisper shouted, it sounded like a male voice. A familiar voice too. Quiet giggles were heard coming from beside him.

Really..? Class pet?

He sighed, glancing to the side. There he saw a boy staring at him with the most mischievous looking expression. As guessed, that boy was Daiki.

"Class pet what's he doing next? Putting on a movie for us or what?" Daiki said teasingly.

"Daiki I can hear you. Lunch detention with me today. " The teacher answered.

"Sorry Sensei.." Daiki groaned, everyone else let out quiet giggles.

Toya turned to look away, bringing his attention to the window and the outside world. Gazing out through the small space between the slightly opened blinds. Slowly, he put his head down on his desk.

As much as he enjoyed being in this class, it was his classmates that were always annoying him in there. At this point he just wanted to get out of here..

"Now then everyone, please open your textbooks to the first page and we'll follow along with this video." He heard Takahashi-Sensei speak up once more. Though he noticed that his voice seemed to be getting quieter and quieter. He felt a bit drowsy as well..


He's probably just tired right?

Slowly Toya began giving into his drowsiness, yawning softly as he laid there with his head on the table. He didn't even realize it, but he was slowly falling asleep.

Not even a second later...

Toya had fallen asleep.

Reincarnated | Akito Shinonome x Toya AoyagiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora