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(A/N: This is from Toya's pov, the rest of the chapters will be in 3rd person while chapters that are dreams or whatever will be in 1st. Why? Idk i just like writing like that LMAO. Also Tonos sounds a bit silly but ifykyk what i mean by Tono 😭)

Many years ago, Japan
The war between the kingdom to the south ruled by the Aoyagis and the kingdom to the west Ruled by the Tonos

"Prince Touya! Behind you!" Someone had shouted.

I turned around quickly, an enemy was charging right at me. Holding a sword in his hand as he was just about to stab me. My reaction was delayed though, my sword rising up just a bit too late to defend myself. But just when I thought it'd be too late.

I had heard the sound of the sword piercing through someone. I had shut my eyes closed, expecting to feel the piercing pain of the sword stabbing me.

But I didn't feel anything. Why? What did it hit instead? Did I manage to block the attack..?

I opened my eyes slowly, I saw an orange haired boy in front of me. He looked like he was about my age, a few inches shorter than me. Who was this boy...? He looked oddly familiar..

But the moment I realized why I didn't feel the sword stabbing me. Was the moment I felt my heart sink instantly. This boy had sacrificed himself to save me...

"Aki!!" I shouted in pain.

My heart was hurting, I couldn't endure the pain I was feeling. Even though I wasn't the one who got stabbed, I didn't even know who he was, besides knowing his name was probably Aki. Yet I spoke these words automatically.

I snapped out of my thoughts instantly, noticing the boy was about to collapse. I caught him just in time before he had fallen. He was loosing large amounts of blood by the second. Sending me into panic as I dropped to the floor onto my knees, holding Aki tightly in my arms.

My eyes were overflowing with tears. Even though I didn't know him, I wasn't able to deal with this situation in the current state I was in. My vision was getting blurry from the amount of tears pouring out from my eyes. I heard someone laughing. Turning my attention to look back at the enemy.

He had a smug smirk on his face, laughing at us both. He held the sword in his hand, blood dripping off the blade slowly. Just at the sight of seeing him laughing at us as if he had won, I felt so pissed off.

Though I felt someone's hand caress my cheek gently. I brought my attention back to Aki, looking down at the poor weak boy who laid there in my arms. Looking up at me with a weak smile as I sobbed quietly. He opened his mouth to say something. But I couldn't hear what he said for some reason....

I nodded in response. Feeling like as if my body was controlling itself. I said something back, yet I didn't hear any words come out of my mouth. Then I leaned down, gently placing a small farewell kiss on his forehead. I wasn't sure why I did this...

Aki spoke up one last time. This time. I was able to hear what he said.

"If the day comes that we are reborn once again. It'd be nice to be with you again. So I'll wait for you till then my prince.."

He gave me one last smile, I smiled back softly in pain. I noticed Aki had reached up gently to wipe my tears. I couldn't feel his hand though.. Nor could I feel his body in my arms... What was going on..?

I flinched lightly, a loud ringing noise was heard. Along with everything I could see was fading into darkness. I felt lightheaded all of a sudden.

What was happening...? No not yet... I have to at least save Aki. Bring him to safety...

What was going to happen to Aki now..?! God I feel like I'm about to pass out...


Reincarnated | Akito Shinonome x Toya AoyagiWhere stories live. Discover now