2 | Pressuring Morning

310 11 3

Aoyagi Household Living Room
Current time
5:30 am

Toya took a slow deep breath, continuing to walk out of his room quietly. He felt like the air was pushing down on his shoulders, tightening up his body as the atmosphere was making it slightly hard for him to breathe as he tried to calm himself. He closed the room door behind him quietly, cautiously making his way to the living room to see what was happening.

Curiously he peeked his head from the side, trying to make himself hidden still just incase his father was there. Though he observed long enough to notice nobody was in the living room. Letting out a quiet sigh of relief, he headed over to the kitchen. Peeking his head from the side to take a look in the room.

The kitchen light was on, along with the light over the stove. There were a few plates on the table, pieces of toast with a cooked egg on top of it sat on the five plates. Each of the eggs were cooked in different ways, probably made specifically for each person. Toya took a step further into the kitchen, greeted by the smiling face of his mother.

"Ah.. Good morning Toya. I made some toast for all of us today!" She spoke in a sweet tone, looks like she was having a good morning

Toya blinked quietly as he stared at the plates, looking around the room first before responding. After some quick observing, he noticed that the other four plates looked untouched. Most likely meaning that he was one of the first people to wake up.

"Good morning mom... Thank you.." He replied simply, walking over to the table to take a seat at his spot.

Though he hesitated. He was unsure on if he should stay. Risking it to eat breakfast with his mother alone with her, possibly encountering his father. Which he wanted to avoid as much as possible.

Though he didn't want to hear any complaining or something from his father when he comes back from school. So he decided to stay and eat, hoping that his father wouldn't interrupt the moment.

The two sat there together for a couple minutes, eating their toast while they spoke to each other. Toya's mother told him all about how much his older brothers have progressed, telling him about how proud she was of them.

As Toya listened, he sat there quietly with a blank expression. Wondering, what if he just followed along like his brothers. Enduring the pain and torture he had to go through to practice classical music. Would his mother too, be proud of him..? But either way, this was the path he has chosen for himself. He'd never know what he'd be like if he didn't rebel against his father. Though, he knew he wasn't going to turn back now.

Just then, His mother had said something that had snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Toya... I know things aren't going as well with your father and such.... But know whatever path you're willing to take. I'll be proud of you just as I am with your brothers." She spoke softly with a warm smile.

So she would be proud of me?

That thought gave him somewhat a bit of comfort. He nodded slowly in response. Her words made the atmosphere a bit more relaxing and calmer for him.

He was just about finished with his toast. Same with his mother. He took her plate with permission, bringing the two plates over to the sink. Setting them down he felt a bit better now. Glancing back at his mom, he secretly smiled slightly.

Though his smile was instantly wiped off his face as the pressuring atmosphere came back. Giving him a slight scare. Where did the atmosphere come from again..? Well he did have one idea.

"Good morning." The voice of a man was heard. Toya's father. The only encounter that could ruin his whole morning all over again. Aoyagi Harumichi. Even just thinking about the name of his father just made him want to run off right now, his hatred for him was just that big.

He stayed quiet, glancing over at his mother who was looking back at him with a worried expression. He bit his lip slightly, not wanting to turn around and face the man he despised most.

"Oh Toya. Hello, I didn't notice you were awake." His father spoke once more, walking over to the table to sit beside his wife.

Toya didn't respond, he continued his duty with the two dishes. Trying to finish up as fast as possible. The atmosphere grew even heavier the longer the silence grew. Making it harder for him to concentrate.

His mom hesitated, but finally decided to break the silence between them. "Good morning Harumichi.. I made toast for all of us.."

The two talked about their morning, taking at least some of the pressure off of his shoulders. Once he was finished with the dishes he put it the dishwasher.

"I'll be going now. Thank you mom for the toast." Toya said simply, grabbing his bag and walking out of the kitchen.

"Toya, come straight home after school you have violin practice." Harumichi spoke but was soon cut off by Toya.

"Yes I know." Toya spoke in a cold tone. He looked away with an empty expression. But on the inside he felt bad for cutting off his father. He felt like he could feel the cold glare of his father piercing through him. He played it cool though, trying his best to not show how the guilt he felt washed over him.

"Pardon me? Did you cut me off?" His father spoke, sounding a bit irritated.

The silence grew colder as Toya didn't respond.

"We'll be adding a few more hours of practicing then." His father said coldly.

The atmosphere got even worse, Toya was really pissed off. His urge to run away was getting harder to resist.

"H-Harumichi... I don't think it's necessary to add more hours... You shouldn't be that strict..." His mother spoke, worryingly looking over at Toya who looked very troubled.

"It's his punishment. And no. I am not being to strict. He'll learn better this way." Harumichi said with a sigh. Shaking his head in disappointment of his wife taking Toya's side.

Not being able to take anymore of this. Toya put on his headphones and walked out of the house. Heading straight to school, bringing an extremely annoyed mood with him on his way. He just wanted to escape classical music, burn it maybe if he could. He absolutely despised that genre.

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