Shen Qingqiu, "It was also the same date, Binghe and I met when I called Ming Fan to call him."

Lan Wangji, "The burning of cloud recesses didn't happen today... Though, Wen Rouhan recreated the incident."

Xie Lian, "if my conclusion is correct. The earliest time we can prepare is one month. The enemies are trying to recreate the same incidents that happened years ago. In the case of the man Wen Rouhan, I think, he did it just to shake things up and begin the count down. I'm not sure what they're aiming for, but it's safe if we think it's about the cracks overtaking the mortal realm."

"I agree." Wei Wuxian seconded, "if there are things we needed to stop. It must be before that time. The ancient scriptures recorded that the mortal realm, the peaks, and the heavens are only separate with a thin film. If the cracks appeared and the mortals have fallen, then..." Wei Wuxian looked at them seriously, "the peaks and heavens would be overtaken in no time."

Ming Fan wanted to praise Wei Wuxian. For a human to obtain information from reading the ancient scriptures was no easy feat. The language and the characters are different from what has already been used nowadays. Furthermore, the prowess Wei Wuxian is displaying was awesome! No wonder he conquered and created demonic cultivation. He heard it once, a prodigy is one born once in hundredths or thousandths years.

The talk ended rather serious for once than that it was with the old sage. Ming Fan and Feng Xin noticed the pressure among the mortal ranks. Especially, Wei Wuxian.

"For a bright smiling brat like him. He bears a rather dark fate." Xie Lian understood Feng Xin's words. "Fate is something out of any god's power. We could only bestow graces and luck through human wishes. Altering or changing fate is simply out of our reach. no matter how much we wanted to save someone. No matter how much we wanted to change something... Everything was inevitable..."


"For once... I thought I saw my younger self from him... I wanted to tell him he cannot save everyone, but his looks made me think otherwise." Xie Lian smiled, "I was thinking of the same thing... If I were to die... You surely know the reason, San Lang. But he... He's different, that I can say, from you and me. It makes me want to protect him."

"Does gege like him?" Hua Cheng asked

"Hm." Xie Lian smiled and took Hua Cheng's hand. They rolled the dice and let. Feng Xin and Mu Qing (just arrived) sighed and ordered for the materials to go straight back to heavens and prepare for the coming battle."

Going forward, Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu's pair was rather silent than the supposed sticky whining demon dog tailing after the latter. Shen Qingqiu couldn't understand the sudden change in Luo Binghe's attitude but he can't bring himself to ask him.

"Binghe." He called. Luo Binghe turned around and look at him in the eye. He knew something is bugging him. He reached his hand out and patted Luo Binghe's cheeks. Luo Binghe cupped his hand with his and pressed it lightly to his cheeks.

"Shizun, did you know? My memories started the time you gave me that bottle of medicine and told me to get stronger." Watching him stay with him no matter the reason.

He, who risked everything for him. He, who loved him the most. He, who is different right now, is willing. He was happy that his Shizun willingly came with him. Now, it's his turn to willingly let go of him. After all, Shizun shines the most when he is free. He finally understood what it means to love. It's not selfishness or obsession, love is free and open.

Yet, he can't let him go away.

"Shizun... Can you tell me properly?" He asked. Shen Qingqiu couldn't understand but he nodded to hurt to see Luo Binghe acting like he was betrayed.

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