Chapter 28

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A/N: Happy 7.9k on AO3 and 21.6k on Wattpad views for Hidden! I can't believe it. I didn't think this story would gain so many loyal readers when I first started writing it over a year and a half ago. I'm so grateful for you all.

The large conference room seemed impossibly quiet with all eight of the boys sat shoulder-to-shoulder. Chan-woo nervously bounced his right leg from where he sat in the middle of Yoongi and Namjoon. He had asked to sit between the pair before they had sat down since he knew they could offer him the greatest comfort during his first official meeting with some of their managers and other important staff members.

Being between the two meant that he could easily grab their hands under the table - without being seen - if he felt overwhelmed at any stage. He kept the thought in the back of his mind and in the meantime he had resorted to anxiously bouncing his leg. He didn't know what to expect for his first meeting with the team. He fully intended to sit back and observe as much as he could. Hopefully he wouldn't have to talk that much, he still felt emotional after the previous night's experience.

Currently, all eight were gathered on one side of the conference tables. Four long tables were set up in the middle of the room in a square formation, with enough seats to comfortable sit a large number of people. Chan-woo guessed the number to be somewhere around 30-35 seats. Upon seeing the sheer size of the expected meeting, he had felt his insides twist with nerves. He had yet to officially meet any of the management teams.

When they had first arrived, Namjoon had placed copies of their updates all around the tables for the staff members to read between each other. He said there should be enough for everyone to share a copy, one for every two people. Ever since then, they all had sat in silence as they patiently waited for the staff members to join them. Only the sound of the clock ticking filled the silence in the room.

"Are you going okay?" asked Namjoon as he reached down and settled his hand on Chan-woo's rapidly moving leg.

"Mmm not really," he answered in a whisper, eyes downcast.

"You'll be okay," the leader reassured with a sad smile.

Chan-woo hoped so because his anxieties were off the Richter scales. He had been on edge ever since the phone call with his mother. Unfortunately he hadn't had the best sleep, his thoughts constantly plagued by the nasty comments thrown his way. He couldn't help but to replay the entire conversation over and over instead of getting much needed rest. By the time the sun had risen the next morning, he had barely slept a wink.

"Boys, thanks for waiting," Bang PD-nim announced as he entered the room.

"Hello PD-nim Hyung," Namjoon smiled as he stood up from his chair, the rest of the group copied him.

As all eight boys bowed to their CEO, more staff members entered the room behind him. Slowly, the large conference room steadily filled out until the once unoccupied tables barely had a seat empty. Chan-woo and the rest bowed repeatedly to all of the new faces that walked in. Bang PD-nim gestured for the boys to take their sits once more, and then the room settled with all of the many people around the conference tables.

Directly across from Chan-woo sat Bang PD-nim. As the room full of people got themselves comfortable, the shy boy made eye contact with the CEO from where he sat. The older of the pair sent a reassuring smile his way. Chan-woo appreciated the gesture and returned the smile, even if it was a tiny smile. He gulped as he nervously looked down at his lap before he felt Namjoon's hand reappear on his leg, another gesture he gratefully appreciated.

"Good morning everyone," said Bang PD-nim as he adjusted the paperwork in front of him and slowly scanned the faces from left to right as he continued to speak. "Thank you all for coming. We have a lot to get through this morning. However before we begin, I'm sure many of you have noticed the new face that has joined us today."

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