Chapter 27

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A/N: I apology in advance for what is about to occur. Also please leave comments! I read all of them and I really want to see reactions throughout this chapter. Enjoy this extra long chapter <3

Much like Chan-woo had predicted, he barely had any down time to relax with the upcoming album deadline looming over all of their heads. Over the past five days, his daily activities had been pretty similar. He would wake up, have a quick breakfast, then get straight into work, before eventually calling it quits and going straight to bed without dinner. Only to repeat it all again the next day. At least he did have variety in the work throughout the day so it didn't become tedious.

Part of the time he would be tasked to compose music, other times he'd work with Namjoon and Yoongi on lyrics, another day he went into the company and participated in a vocal and rap lesson with the others. As each day progressed, he could feel how difficult it became to continue at the same intense pace. He found it harder to get out of bed in the morning and the amount of times he yawned throughout the day dramatically increased.

That was why Chan-woo had been completely relieved that on the Sunday they would have the entire day off. He had gone to bed on the Saturday night without setting an alarm, his body craved to catch up on the much needed rest and he would most certainly take advantage of the rare sleep in. As he crawled into his bed for the night, he didn't even bother to scroll through social media to see the reaction from his newest photoshoot that had been posted earlier that day. Exhaustion bribed him into quickly falling asleep, he'd leave that task for the following day.

Even after the sun had well and truly rose for the day, Chan-woo hadn't stirred in the slightest and continued to peacefully sleep. He was out cold, oblivious to the world, wrapped up in the warmth of his duvet. The exhausted boy had been in such a deep slumber that he didn't react when a somebody knocked on his door. Nor did he react as that said someone opened his door and quietly walked over to him.

"Chan-woo," Hoseok whispered as he lent down and brushed some of the hair out of the younger's face. Chan-woo currently was curled up on his right side, head barely peaking out of the covers. "Chan-woo."

The disturbance slowly brought Chan-woo out of his sleep. A soothing hand ran through his hair that roused him gently, finally he began to stir for the first time that day. He stretched his limbs as he pried an eye open, only to find Hoseok's bright expression close to his face. Hoseok wore a contagious smile on his face that spread to Chan-woo as he rolled onto his back and proceeded to stretch his legs again.

"I'm surprised you are still asleep. It's late in the morning," said Hoseok while he lifted the covers and made himself comfortable next to the younger.

"You look like you only just woke up too," chuckled Chan-woo as he rolled his head to the side and observed the messy state Hoseok's hair was in as well as the sleepy expression.

"Maybe," he quietly laughed as he rolled onto his left side to face Chan-woo. With his left hand he held up his head and with his right hand he lightly traced Chan-woo's face. "I didn't get to bed until late though. So you've been sleeping a lot longer than me. I was starting to get worried."

"Oh, sorry for worrying you. I was just very tired after working non-stop the last week," sighed Chan-woo. His eyes closed automatically upon the relaxing touches.

"Do you want to keep sleeping?" worriedly asked Hoseok. He of course knew that not even a month prior had Chan-woo been pretty sick. He was concerned for the younger's health. "I'll leave you alone?"

"You can stay if you want," he said quietly, eyes still closed, and a blush formed on his face.

"You want me to keep sleeping beside you?" he asked with a bright smile.

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