Prologue: Moonlight Shines, The Time Has Come

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One year ago


Snarling at his face, I felt my sharp claws extend and curve from my fingers. With one swift move, I shoved my right hand against his chest, earning a pained howl. I watched his face contort with pain before I wrenched back my hand. With a sadistic smile, I crushed his still-beating heart making it fall to pieces.

Looking ahead, I scowled when I saw numerous bodies on the forest floor. Anyone would have a hard time recognizing whose bodies are these. Some have their arms or legs separated, while some have gaping holes in their chest. Chunks of flesh and blood are spilled everywhere. From the tree trunks to the ground.

Send a clean-up team to the border immediately. I didn't wait for any response from my beta as I immediately raised my mental barrier, blocking all possible mind-links. It's been so long since I had my last run so my beast is a bit temperamental right now. And to add up, a group of rogues decided to spoil my mood further. So much for a relaxing day.

Cracking my neck, I started to make my way to nearby waterfalls to clean my body since it was full of dirt and blood. Dusk is already approaching, and the sunlight breaks through the spaces between the thick trees lighting up the dark and damp path ahead of me. As I walk towards the waterfalls, I can't help but admire the work of Mother Luna.

Werewolves are given two greatest gifts: the forest and a soulmate. Legends say that forests were made by Mother Luna for her children. It serves as a sanctuary for those who are lost and confused about where they can find their redemption. Werewolves might call the forest as their home where they feel safe and serene.

The second gift is a soulmate. Your mate is supposed to be your other half. I always thought that the concept of a mate is a burden rather than a gift. In my 524 years of living, I often hear the people around me talk about how excited they are to find their mate, and about how it feels to meet your soulmate. They said it will be the most memorable and pleasant moment of a werewolf's life. But it's not the same for everyone. Not everyone gets a mate. And some choose not to be with their mate.

I ended up in the former category. Why? Because I don't deserve one. I am different from everyone else. I already accepted my fate the moment I realized that I'm different. A beast like me doesn't deserve a mate. It's not like I wanted one anyway. For me, having a mate is already a weakness. And I don't need any form of weakness or distraction. I have a reputation to uphold. I'll end up destroying her.

I've seen how werewolves rejected or cheated on their mates. Other half my ass. Once rejected or hurt, their mates will experience so much heartache to the point where some just go crazy or worse, kill themselves. Some bonds just don't last and why bother finding your mate when you'll just end up dead. It's better to be alone.

The sound of water filled my ears as I neared the waterfalls. My feet met the surface of the water, and I slowly lowered my body, the water only reaching my torso. I felt my muscles relax instantly as I let out a tired sigh. The water felt cold against my skin, but it doesn't bother me at all. Scooping the ice-cold water, I washed my arms, neck, chest, and face, rinsing off any dirt and blood.

I closed my eyes and leaned my body against the wall of rock behind me. Some might think I'm not paying attention to my surroundings but even with my eyes closed, I can feel and hear everything around me. I can hear the leaves rustling against each other, squirrels scampering away, as well as the crunching of the leaves under one pair of shuffling feet.

Wait, what?

The moment I heard a crunch, my eyes snapped open, and I immediately turned around, my eyes narrowing and my body on guard. I quietly moved, not making a single sound. A humming sound resonated around the forest. I felt a shiver run down my back as my beast stirred inside me. A slow yet melodious tune filled my ears and I involuntarily shudder.

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