21. Family Night

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I want to request you all to comment a bit more. It really makes me happy to read all your comments and motivates me. So can you all please try and comment a bit more.


I blink as I feel him pulling me a bit more closer and I try to understand his expressions from the faint light coming in the cupboard from the slight open door. I freeze in my place as I see him leaning down and feel his breath fanning my face. I close my eyes waiting for it to happen.

A sound comes from outside and I push him apart and open the door and run outside only to realize that my heart was beating like crazy. I walk towards the sound and see my phone ringing. I pick my phone up and disconnect the call seeing it as spam

"Sorry" I hear his voice from behind me turned to look at him with a slight embarrassed face and I am pretty sure anyone can tell by my expressions about how shy I am feeling right now

"I didn't mean to do that" he said scratching his neck and looking as embarrassed as me and I squeezed in my lips in between my teeth.

"Its okay. I didn't mean to either" I said in a slow voice and he looked away from me and I opened my eyes wide as I saw the red mark of my lipstick on his neck

"I uh you" I said stuttering not able to form the sentence and to inform him about it

"Hmm?" He gave me a look raising him eyebrows and I pointed towards his neck with my finger and he touched his neck still confused

"You have lipstick there" I said and looked away as I again felt my cheeks warm way more than before.

"Oh" he said and got in the washroom while I sat on the couch hiding my face in my palm not sure how to react about what was about to happen just now between us.


I am sitting on the floor in the closet trying to pack my bags. Emphasis on the word trying. I have always been a messy person and packing is one of my weaknesses. I sigh looking at all the clothes and jewelry and stationary that I have to pack in just three bags.

I wish I could ask help from mummy. I would have asked help from Arjun if I haven't been avoiding him since that day. I only try to be around him at night for sleeping and try to talk as less as I can as I am way too embarrassed by what happened that day

I turned around when I heard some footsteps coming in and saw Arjun entering the dressing. My eyes went up from his feet to his face and I smiled as I saw him looking at me with a slightly nervous expression

"Do you need help" he asked looking at the stuff lying around me and I nodded my head and shifted to give him some space to sit beside me

"What do you me to do" he asked folding his sleeves and I looked at his perfect hands. I passed a bag towards him in which I have thrown my clothes and they just have to be perfectly assembled in it.

He pulls the bag in front of him and starts arranging the clothes in it properly and neatly folding them while I admire his work. He finishes up packing the bag and leaving me very impressed by him. He has arranged the stuff so well that the bag still had some space for more clothes

"You are so good at packing. I should have called you earlier" I said as I looked between the bag I packed in two hour and he packed in thirty minutes and it was still way better than mine

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